Ch. 9 All Around Me

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Shiro, Kuroh, Neko, and I made it to the shrine that Kuroh spoke of. He kept it well groomed even though he was with Shiro most of the time. He slid open the door that presented a dark atmosphere.

"Well come in." He said setting his sword against the wall.

Neko was first, she tripped, Shiro was next, he bumped into Neko. I looked at the nature that was surrounding the shrine. It was forest green, obviously, it smelled of dandelions as the bright sky illuminated the waterfall and the hot spring beside the shrine. Once I stepped in almost fumble but slammed into Shiro's chest. I looked at him and blushed extremely hard, he laughed at my childish reaction as I got up quickly.

"I am so sorry, Shiro....I didn't watch where I was going and~"

"Hey no problem, Izumi." He rubbed the back of his head with an awkward smile.

Kuroh was lighting a candle inside of a lantern, not sure how it works but why not? He was showing us rooms and where the lavatory was located. The shrine looks new but you could tell it was pretty old.

"Alright, now that I have shown you all your rooms, I shall prepare dinner. Meaning you all go clean yourselves."

We all looked at each other.

"It's dark."

"There are candles on the floors in the corners." Kuroh said annoyed.

"It's dark in the halls."

He sighed.

"How about some actual electricity or maybe let up some shades, please." I said.

"Fine." Kuroh said as he turned the electricity on.

"Thank you!" We all say in unison.

Kuroh walked us individually to our rooms. I was last, as he slid open the door and revealed a huge room with a pallet on the floor. It had a flower in the corner, a pink rose. I felt the cold walls with my hands and the waxed floors with my socks. The room was beautiful but had an emotionally empty feeling.

Kuroh had his back against the wall with his arms folded. "If you are wondering, this room was the room of my former master's mistress."

"Really now?"

"She loved pink roses. I use to get them for her all of the time from the garden."

"I love pink roses." I said as I looked at the flower up close.

Kuroh was staring at me, I didn't notice though, I was too fascinated with the colored rose. He snapped back into reality.

"Well I shall prepare dinner." He said as he walked away.

"Thank you, Kuroh." I said under my breath.

"Yes thank you very much!" Suddenly said by Kasumi and Yasamura in excited unison.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!?" I jumped back from the flower.

"How long have you been there?"

"Long enough." Kasumi said walking around the room.

"How did you find me?"

"We're your faithful companions. We clean up after you so no one else would find you but us." Kasumi explained.

"Yea, before those assholes ruined the place." Yasamura said as he put a box down.

"What a-holes? And ruined what?!" I asked with a little attitude.

"The Homra clan destroyed your apartment." Yasamura said leaning his head from the box.

"You guys didn't stop them?"

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