First time

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This part of the story is rated R. So if your under the age of 16 please don't read but if your ok with very vivid scenes then be my guest.


Ava Pov

It been two weeks now I'm staying at Orlando's house! To be honest it's amazing. Connor and the boys have been coming to visit, But I miss my girls so I decided to bring them over for some girl time.

I looked yo my left all I see is Orlando laying next to me peaceful. So I got up and took a shower. Looking in the mirror I see my reflection. It's beautiful. My eyes are beautiful just like my mothers, my body is glowing. I am radiant. I was only in for about 10 mins when Orlando came in.

"Can I join?"

I blushed and nodded

He walked in, his body was vividly cut. He even had the "V" shape down below. And don't get me started on the packaged downstairs. Just thinking of it made me hot all over.

Standing behind me, he took the sponge and wash my back. The way his fingers was touching me was driving me insane. I was surly going to lose it. He spun me around to face him. Then he told me to washed his, I nodded in agreeing. When he turned around all I see was muscles and scars. I was horrified but I was hurt who would do such a thing to my mate or to anyone for the fact. I ran my hands over then as if I can feel the scars under them.

"Who did this?" Those words came out my mouth before I could stop them.

"When I was a kids I went to a private school. A school for gifted ones. Well school for our kind. Whenever you do something wrong you get a-"

"It's ok, please don't say no more"

It's was quiet after that, he turned around so I can finish. Something told me to kiss the scars. So I follow my intuition and gently kissed them. I hear him moaning in delight.

Then something else happen. The started to vanish. Like there was no more scars on his back all of then was gone.

"Oh my god! Lando, the scars! There gone!"

"Wait what!"

"Your scars they are gone!"

He ran out the shower to look. I turned off the water an followed him. He was looking in the mirror.

He started to cry.

"Lando what's the matter? Please don't cry"

"Don't worry Ava they are tears of joy. I never thought that they would be gone. After I got them I thought I was broken, ugly. I thought I would be marked forever"

"Oh Lando, whether you had them or not I still would of loved you for you. You are mines as much and I am yours . I love you for you baby and don't forget that!"

I walked up to him kissed him gently on his cheek. Then moved to his lips. God the feel like heaven to me! It's like a thirst that will never have to go with out. He passionately giving me kisses back. Running his hands in my wet hair. I almost lost it. Damn it I want him now. He kissed me on my neck leaving butterfly kisses I was on cloud nine.

"Orlando" escaped out my mouth I couldn't help it, this man was gonna be the death of me. He pulls back just an inch so I can see his face. I milk him in. Looking at every little detail of his face. Up to the way his lips quiver into a smile. I had to stop and thank the heavens for him. Realizing that I was still naked on him made blush.

I quickly try to hide it.

"Don't do that!"

"Do what?"

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