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I woke up in my room. wondering what happen. Images returning into my mind. Looking at my iPhone. I see 5 miss calls from the twins and 4 text msg too. They were saying thing like "hey r u ok?" And "wat da hell happen? Ava call us". The sad thing is I don't remember what happen. All I remember was my eyes color changed. And Connor -

Wait where is my brother. I got up and walked out my room. To see if I can find him. I walked past the study when I over heard my brothers sand my dad talking about me.

Connor said "dad I'm telling you she did it, she commanded the entire floor even though she was just talking to me and some idiot."

That idiot he was about was Orlando... Omg I have to call him I said as a mental note. I continue to listen

"There is no way she can tap that power. The witch made sure it will never happen." My father said sparking his pipe mom will soon be down here to get on his ass. There was a brief silence then Leon spoke up "So what can that be dad! Is Ava phenix awaken then she will unlikely be able to control it."

"Phenix ?" I said to myself

My father sigh while shacking his head. Then got up and said this "Relax son, you will put an whole into the floor with all your pacing, what am I gonna do is take her back to the witch and make sure that phenix of her never awaken." My father said.

"Ok Ava you have heard enough! They are talking about you like your dime evil demon or something" I look up at them and decided that I had to find out the truth.

I took a deep breath and walked in saying "imma what now?"

They all turned and looked at me with the look of shit was on there faces.

The place was quiet you can hear a pin drop. Leon was the first to speak up "Ava what are you doing up? We would of though you was tired from all that parting you did earlier." He looked nervous for what I don't know.

" I asked a question, what am I?" I said once again. My father looked at me with fear in his eyes.and the pipe in his hands also my brother Justin was sitting there looking at me. Then I looked up to Connor. You cant see stress and fear all over his face but you can see worry thou. "Connor what am I, please tell me?"

He looked at dad and then at me. Connor and me have the best friend relationship. He was always there when from I was little. He would never lie to me. "Connor?" I said with a plea in my voice.

He takes a dep breath and runs his hands through his hair.

"Ava you are... You are..." He started to stammer I walked up to him and hugged him. And told him this "I still that little girl that needed you to get the cookies off the top shelf , and I am still the little girl who fell and scraped her knee and you picked me up and took care of it no matter what Connor you can tell me can tell me anything."

We separate but only so that he can see how serious I am. He breathes

" Ava you are phenix"

" What is that a- " I couldn't even say the words

"I think you better sit down" he says. "Phenix, well it was a bird from Egypt that would die in its own ashes and reborn in those same ashes. On day a woman was told to eat the ashes to bring that type of power into The human world. For years that power has been past down my generations more than we can remember. But only royal families from Egypt can obtain this type of responsibility."

I take a moment to let all of that to process in. Then I asked "so we have blood from Egypt, right?" I look up to see if they have the answer. Then my father walks up to me, kneels down to my eye level and says " Ava, honey we don't have it, you do"

I sit there looking confused. I have royal Egyptian blood. But that makes no sense I grew up in Jamaica. And was raised in America ever since. I have no Egyptian blood. I was interrupted by my thoughts

" Ava , I know you thinking how is this possible, but I think it's time you know the truth, my darling" he said laying his on my cheek. Looking in my hazel eyes I notice his are brown, coco brown. Connor spoke up

"Father I don't think that's suck a good Idea."

"She will have to know soon Connor " said Justin

" just not now, she already have to deal with alot." Connor said.

"What is it I that I can't deal with Connor?"I said . I got off the chair walked up to my brother. His back was turned to me but he was facing Leon. I can see Leon is afraid that I'm taking it too far.

"Ava, I'm telling you this will be too much much to handle." He said

"Connor tell her the truth! She deserves to know!" My father says.

Leon and Justin put in there two cents. Everything became too much for Connor. I touched him in his shoulder

"Tell me, what is it that has you trapped and afraid that I can't handle?" I said I started to cry and he looks at me and shakes his head. My father , Leon and Justin stop talking and started to listen.

" Ava, the reason why you have Egyptian blood in you because of your mother." He takes a deep breath " she is a Egyptian queen and your are a princess."

I started to laugh, Connor must have drank a little too much at the club. But then I notice that I am the only one laughing. Which means that it's true. I take my hand on Connor shoulder. Let it fall to my side. I am weak. My head is feeling dizzy. I sit back down. Dad comes up to me.

"Ava your my granddaughter and these are your uncle. Which makes-" he pauses and Connor finish.

"Me your father" he said.

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