Act 1: Antonio's Circus Debut

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A/N Welcome, welcome! Grab some popcorn and have a seat. It's time to introduce tonight's performers. Cue the spotlight!

"Ready for jour circus debut, mein friend?"

"Si, born ready."

"Just give the signal und Ludwig vill open the gate."

He nodded and the red eyed man waltzed into the ring, top hat in one hand, microphone in the other.

"Thank you! Thank you!" He said, in his pre-rehearsed Spanish, still thickly laced with his German accent. "You have been a wonderful audience! I would like to present to you a new act to our circus! Straight from the famous Vista Alegre of Madrid, I give you el torero Antonio Fernandez Carriedo!"

Recognizing the famous bullfighter, the crowd erupted in applause. Their cheers intensified as the afore mention bullfighter made his way to the center of the ring.

The light playful tune filling the enormous red and yellow tent became low and grew intense as el torero raised up his long red cloak. Then one ton of muscle came barreling at him. At the last moment, Antonio moved to the side and the bull charged through the cloak instead.

 At the last moment, Antonio moved to the side and the bull charged through the cloak instead

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Antonio was well known throughout Spain as a talented but different bullfighter. One reason being that he never killed the bulls he fought. He also had an extra-long cape which he used to direct the bull around the ring, bringing it from the very edge of the ring to its center, as well as over and around the obstacles scattered about. As the animated music rang throughout the tent, it became an elegant dance between toro and torero. And the crowd ate it up.

"Lovi, you got to see this! He's amazing!" Said one of the show's clowns, hanging over the gate Gilbert had slipped through not long ago.

"No, stupido, not interested." said the other clown, as he repainted the frown over his face to contrast the big smile painted over his counterpart's.

The pair didn't need much make-up to create the effect, since their vivid expressions already conveyed their moods. As such they didn't completely paint their faces, just an exaggerated smile and frown.

"But, Lovi, you should see him in costume. His butt might even be better than Luddy's."

"I'm telling Ludwig you said that." said Lovino, looking over his shoulder at the excited clown.

"Aw, Lovi, don't do that." The Italian whined, turning a bit around to face him.

Lovino just snickered at finding his brother's weak spot and getting him to shut up for a while.

Meanwhile up in the stands one grumpy audience member was throwing a tantrum over his mommy failing to buy him cotton candy. This grumpy audience member then threw his tub of popcorn in protest. Despite the astronomical odds, the bucket fell from the stands and hit the happy clown square on the head, knocking him into the ring. And into the path of a charging bull.

"Feliciano!" Lovino screamed, rushing over to the gate, and several of the circus crew members came running.

Feliciano scrambled to his feet and started running. The bull, doing what bulls do, saw the moving object and took off after it, forgetting the bullfighter in the middle of the ring.

"Cachorro! Chico malo! Ven aquí!" Antonio reprimanded, stomping his foot and gesturing to the spot he was to come to.

Cachorro just kicked its rear legs into the air as he stomped around the ring, chasing Feliciano, who ran with his hands up above him while admitting high pitched girlish screams. It seemed almost comical if you didn't know the danger.

Antonio tried every tactic he knew to get Cachorro back under control, but the bull was hell-bent on pursuing the wildly moving Italian.

"Fratello!" The second clown jumped into the ring as his brother dove into one of the tomato crates used as props.

Cachorro whipped around in a raged before clumsily charging at the crate.

"Estúpido chucho!" Lovino yelled, running out in front of the bull and Cachorro slowed down. "Alto ahí!"

Confused by the Italian using his boss's language, Cachorro skidded to a stop right in front of the brothers.


Cachorro cocked its head quizzically for a second, then did as it was told and planted its rump on the floor.

A moment of stunned silence fell over the whole big top. Realizing that the situation was somewhat under control, their calliopist started to play.

Antonio ran up to them. The movement caught Cachorro's attention, and he stood back up.

"Siéntate!" Lovino shouted again.

The calliopist smashed some lower keys, creating a sound effect, at the same time the now fearful Cachorro once again dropped on the ground with a thump.

"Idiota! What-a you doin'! Tryin to get-a my brother killed!" Said Lovino, bopping Antonio on the head, also emphasized by the musical sound effects.

The crowd had begun to think this had all been a part of the act. They even started laughing as the grumpy clown continued to reprimand Cachorro and his boss.

"Lo siento, lo siento! ¡Por favor para, Lovino!" Antonio said, shielding his head as he ran from Lovino, leaving Feliciano and Cachorro to watch the spectacle.

While the crowd was still reeling with laughter, Alfred's motorbike roared on to the scene. He drove into the center of the ring. Skidding to a stop, he whipped the bike around, launching dirt and pebbles into the air.

"Ha ha ha! The Hero has arrived!" Alfred declared, before slamming his helmet on and revving his bike up.

All eyes were on him. This created a perfect distraction for Antonio to pull Cachorro out of the ring while the two managers opened the gate for the brothers on the other side.

"You lads alright?" asked Arthur as a small crowd gathered around the twins.

"Si! My fratello saved me!" Said Feliciano, glomping onto his brother.

"Let go, idiota! No more of your hug therapy!" Lovino ordered, trying to pry his brother off.

"That was so brave, Lovino! You saved our little Feli!" Elizabeta cheered, crushing the brothers in a strong hug.

"Da. I dought Feliciano would be mashed into bloody goo."

They all stopped to look up at the oversize Russian who smiled innocently at them.

"Vell, that was quick thinking. Jou really saved us, Lovino." said the German manager.

"Yes. If you hadn't jumped in when you did, I'm afraid the circus wouldn't have survived anymore bad publicity." Arthur added.

"Thank goodness Roderich is a skilled enough calliopist to make up music on the spot like that." said Elizabeta.

"Da, we are lucky." Ivan wasn't going to give the American any credit.

Out in the ring, Alfred was finishing up his act of jumps and wheelies that caused the crowd to oohh and aahh.

"Then let's go celebrate! After the show I'm taking everyone out for drinks und ve'll celebrate our heroes." said Gilbert, and the group cheered.

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