The Captured (16)

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Panic swept through me as I opened my eyes and was met with darkness, I attempted to move my hands but they were wound to something hard with something itchy, my shorts left my legs feeling cold as a shiver shot up my back. I blew out as the material over my head got a little too close to my mouth, there was a burning mouldy smell seeping under the bag hitting me in the back of the throat. I couldn't hear anything but the sight ringing in my ears, which was probably a side effect of being knocked unconscious.

I tried to move around to feel if my phone was in my pocket, despite not having anyway of grabbing it but it wasn't in here. I was truly alone, no one knew where I was.

I stopped moving as I heard multiple footsteps in the distance, my heart thumped in my chest as my breathing sped up. My stomach flipped as one pair footsteps got closer and closer, until they stopped right in front of me. The bag was ripped off my bed, and I found myself squinting at the person in front of me. I didn't recognize him but I did recognize the person behind him.

Vince sat in a chair about two meters in front of me, his elbows resting on his knee's as he stared at me. His blonde hair was falling down onto his face, while is green eyes watched me with curiosity. My eyes darted around the small concrete room we were in, there was one door and one small window, but other than that it was all solid concrete.

"Morning Ana." He said, his voice was flat. I looked down to see that my hands had been tied to the wooden chair I was sitting on with a thick line of fraying rope, the same was wrapped around my ankles.

My eyes fell back on Vince, as I realized what he had said 'Morning' meaning I had been here all night. I hadn't let Calie know that I was leaving the bar, she must have been worried sick. "Vince, it's been a while." I tried to keep my face as emotionless as I could, trying to hide the panic that churned in my stomach.

"It has, you look good." I winced, I didn't want to hear his small talk, I wanted answers. "The single life really suits you." There was a shifting of feet in the corner of the small room, I glanced over, my eyes landing on the blonde that had attacked me outside. Vince's girlfriend. She was a petite thing, but the hard look in her eyes was nothing to be messed with.

"Cut the small talk Vince, it doesn't suit you." I flare at him, he sat back, slouching back in his chair as he studied me. "What do you what from me?"

"Can't I just catch up with my ex-girlfriend?" The words rolled so smoothly off his tongue I almost believed that that was all he wanted with me. His 'girlfriend' muttered in disbelief making me flash a smile at her.

"Didn't he tell you honey?" I laughed, as she stepped forward baring her teeth at me.

"Willow." Vince growled at her. "Wait outside," His girlfriend – Willow – huffed out a breath, before storming out the door, closing it with a bang behind her.

"She's feisty, that your type now?" I asked, I wasn't sure what had gotten over me. The sarcasm just seemed never ending, I felt like I had taken on Calie's YOLO approach to life.

"I think it's always been my type, judging by how you turned out." Vince smiled softly at me, "You know, I never meant to hurt you." His words broke down any wall that I had been trying to hold up, I felt my heart break as I realized that he had done just that. He had hurt me, he broke me.

"Well, you did." I spoke softly. I could see the flash of guilt in his eyes as they never left mine. "You ripped my heart out when you left. So I'd say you hurt me." It felt good to let it out, to let out the betrayal I had felt from him leaving, how he broke my heart and left me to pick up the pieces and do a shitty job at putting it back together. "Did you even love me?" My voice broke, my eyes started to sting as tears threatened to spill.

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