The Party (7)

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The smell of smoke and sweat filled my nose as I wondered into Noah's house glancing around at the all the bodies that lined that walls. I walked into the living room, or what would've been the living room if there hadn't been about thirty people grinding against each other. The room was hazy from the people out the back as their cigarette smoke was blown inside by the wind. One of the girls that had been hanging off Noah's arm at the start of the race was now grinding herself all over a tall muscular guy.

It had been ages since I went to a house party, the last time was maybe my graduation party after senior prom a little over three years ago. I walked around the edge of the 'dance floor' and made my way to the kitchen where I found Piper, Clinton and a few others playing spin the bottle on the floor. I laughed to myself as I took in the scene in front of me, Clinton was a twenty-three-year-old and here he was sitting on the ground playing spin the bottle like he was in high school.

Piper's eyes raised and met mine, "Liana!" She basically shouted at me from the floor. I waved, and lent on the kitchen bench top. "Are you going to join us?"

"No way, not while I'm sober anyway." As soon as the words left my mouth I had about four drinks stuffed in my face from various strangers from around the room. I took a big bottle that wasn't opened and tucked down some of the clear liquid. The liquid burnt all the way down causing me to cough at the taste of it.

People in the spin the bottle circle laughed at me, as my scrunched up my face and looked at what the drink was. Raspberry flavored vodka. I coughed a bit more, throwing the guy who gave me the bottle a sharp look.

"Were you trying to kill me?" I snapped, as the circle burst out laughing. I took a smaller sip this time, and embraced the burn that followed the drink.

"Play with us, Liana." Piper piped up again, and I shook my head.

"I'll make you a deal, when I finish this bottle we will." I pulled myself up on the counter and smiled down at her, and she nodded. I knew by the time I finished this bottle she'd probably be passed out somewhere, she was already half gone. Noah and I hadn't even taken that long at my apartment, so she had either drunk a lot in a small amount of time or she was a lightweight. I was thinking the later.

I looked back out at the living room, regretting it as my eyes landed on Noah as he pushed some girl up against a wall and dropped his head to her neck. His whole body was put into the moment as he let his hips rest up against the girls. I couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked as he pulled away from her, and whispered something to her which made her move hips up against his in a brush movement. He rested forward on his arms and locked her in between the wall and his body as she looked up at him in ore.

I had to admit I was in ore of him a little myself and amazed at how quickly he had found a girl to make out with.

I tucked down a bigger gulp of the vodka, threw it back in my mouth, I was starting to love the feel of the soft burn down my throat. "You keep drinking that at that pace and you're going to be passed out sooner than Piper." A voice said close to my ear making me jump.

My eyes connected with a pair of blue ones, and I realized that it was just Justin, I laughed and shook my head. "No way, I know how to handle my liquor."

"So does she, she's just had a lot cause she's trying to impress Clinton." I looked over at Piper as she threw back a shot of straight vodka, I noticed that as soon as she did that she looked at Clinton to find he wasn't even watching her. It made me feel a little sad as she tried so hard to get his attention but he just never seemed to be looking at the right time.

"I think she needs a new approach." I smiled at Justin as he nodded. I took a big sip of my drink then, trying to get as much courage from it as I could before I did something that I had never done in my entire life. I hopped down off the counter feeling my world tip a little from the vodka, I had always hated how Vodka just suck up on you like that. One minute your fine and the next your passed out with your shirt over your head laying in a ditch. I walked over to Piper, "Pip, come dance with me." grabbing her hand and pulling her to her feet, she swayed a little but I held her straight. Clinton watched as we walked over to the living room, I handed Justin my bottle telling him to keep it safe before I dragged Piper to the dance floor.

I closed my eyes for a second trying to remember how to dance, I started to feel my hips move as the beat to some fast paced song played loudly. I opened my eyes and smiled at Piper as she twirled. I moved my hands to my hair, running them through it as I danced.

Piper shouted the lyrics along with many of the other people around the room, I laughed as she grabbed my hand and started moving her hips with me. I brought our hands into the air as I shook my hair. The beat built in the song and I found myself getting lower and closer to the ground as it built. I bounced on my legs as Piper bowed to me. We were in sync with the music as it matched my heartbeat, that was when I decided to let go. Let my worries, my pain, and sorrow go. Right here, right now I was living. So this was what Calie talked about so much, she lived life to the fullest and now I understood why. I could literally feel the happiness building in me as I swung my hips and flipped my hair.

I glanced around the room after feeling eyes on us. People around the room had stopped to watch as we danced, three of those people being, Noah, Clinton and Justin. I was surprised to see that Noah had left the girl that he was with to watch us. I smiled at them, before turning back to Piper.

We danced for what felt like ages, I wasn't sure how many songs had passed before Piper stated that she need a drink, which I happy obliged. I started to follow Piper to the kitchen where Clinton and Justin had gone into, but stopped when my eyes fell on Noah, once again lips locked with the girl from before. I rolled my eyes, and moved into the kitchen smiling at Justin as I grabbed my drink from him who was sat in a circle on the kitchen floor. I took a swig of my drink while I sat in the circle in between him and Clinton.

"Okay, who's up for a game of strip dare?" Clinton asked looking running the circle.

"Did someone say strip dare? I'm down for that." Noah's echoed around the room, I watched him pull his victim along as he sat down in the circle on the other side of Justin. A prang of jealously flipped my stomach as Noah kissed the girl as he pulled her down onto his lap.

"I'm in." I said flatly. Noah's eyes jumped to mine, as he cocked an eyebrow.

Once again, it was so on.


What what chapter 7! I'm loving where I'm heading with this story and I just wanted to let yall know that I have written about twenty chapters of this so far, and have an idea for a sequel if you's want it and enjoy this one! 

What what chapter 7! I'm loving where I'm heading with this story and I just wanted to let yall know that I have written about twenty chapters of this so far, and have an idea for a sequel if you's want it and enjoy this one! 

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Anyway!  Make sure you comment, vote and share it around if you like it! 


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