The New/Old Job (9)

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"You need to go to university." As soon as the words split out of Mackles mouth, I wanted to run and hide. It had been a week since I last had contact with Noah, Mackles had sent me to watch him from a far, to study his movements and find Intel that I could give back to Mackles. For some reason he thought that for a while I could do that from a far. I had hung out with Piper though, and went shopping with her, getting some new bad ass clothes.

I had gotten my car back the day after the party, picking it up from Noah's without telling him I was coming around. I'm sure that as soon as I turned my car on he'd know that I was taking it. It was hard to miss the sound of the engine in it.

"No way." I shook my head, there was no way I was going back to Uni. I had started University but had never finished my degree because I wanted to join cadets full time, and my training took up most of my time. Going back there would remind me of what a failure I was at school.

"Yes you will," Agent Matthews spoke up watching me from the other side of the desk. "Piper goes to Uni and you need to become a part of her every day," I hated it, I hated everything about this. Did he not think she would notice if I started showing up everywhere she went? If I all of a sudden started attending her classes, she'd know.

"I think that's a terrible idea, She's become suspicious if I started randomly attending her classes." I noticed Mackles nod in agreement, "Do you want to put this case in jeopardy? Because that's exactly what you're going to do if you send me to school with Piper."

"Of course not but –,"

"No buts, I'm not doing it." I snapped, I wouldn't do anything to put this Case in jeopardy. I wanted to do this fast, get this Case over and done with so that I could move on with my life and become the detective I've always wanted.

After kissing Justin at the party and spending the next morning with my head in a toilet bowl, I had decided that I wasn't going to do anything else that would put a pause in my plans, not that Justin could really do that. Noah however was a different thing entirely. Being the main suspect, and the one that had me the most intrigued. He was the one I was most worried about.

"I think you're forgetting who makes the plans, Miss Martinez." Agent Matthews, his blue eyes narrowed as he moved closer to me, his tall body making me feel small.

"I think you're forgetting whose life is on the line," I couldn't believe how strong my voice came out, I had shocked myself. "You're not the one out there pretending to be someone you're not. I am." I hated that he seemed to not care about the fact that if this whole operation went to shit, when my life would literally be in danger. Did he really think that if Noah found out I was a cop that he'd let me go? I had only known Noah for a little while and I knew that his gang came first, and his sister, so if anything put that in danger I'd do what he could to stop that.

I stepped forward showing Matthews that I wasn't going to be intimidated by him.

"Hey, hey." Mackles pushed himself in between us two as we stared each other down. "Okay, we get it you both don't like each other." Mackles moved me back a few steps, making me clench my fist. "Now, Matthews I agree with Martinez. It's too much of a risk, I think honestly, we need to get her a job, where Noah goes quite a lot." This a agreed too, I couldn't be living in an apartment with no job.

"I think I know just the place."


I stood out the front an old looking building, the neon lights above the door had been blacked out, but the door beneath it was bright red. I pushed it open, stepped inside the dark room. The smell of alcohol reached my nose, before the smell of fries over took it. I glanced up as someone pushed their way through the back door, next to the bar. I smiled as a familiar head of bright pink hair. The CrossX Bar was the place that Noah and Clinton had been snapped entering and leaving quite frequently recently, and I just happened to be old friends with the owner.

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