13 Questions Tag

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I made a meme for my good friend divergent_tribute120 's book.

I was tagged by TWO different people to do this... I don't remember the users, but I took screenshot of the questions .-.

So, here we go.


1. Wendip, Dipcifica, or Candip?

I don't watch much GF... But Wendip.

2. Are you better at drawing people or animals?

Uh... I'm not really the best at either... People, I guess.

3. Which fictional universe would be the most fun to live in?

HARRY POTTER, but only if I got to be a witch.

4. What character do you have a love-hate relationship with?

Probably Jason from Heroes Of Olympus. I don't know what it is about him that irritates me... Sometimes he's cool, though.

5. What do you think about Donald Trump?

Well... He's a racist, overconfident jerk who thinks he's God's gift to humanity.
If he becomes president of the USA... Well, let's just say that 90% of the USA's population will either be banned or move out. I can almost guarantee that.

6. Worst book you've ever read?

Erm... Do Wattpad fanfictions count? Not all of them, but some...

As for real books, probably one called How To Ditch Your Fairy. It was just... I don't even know. I found it really boring.

7. Have any fandom shirts?

Yes, a black one that says 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good'.

8. Earbuds or headphones?

Headphones FTW.

9. What fandom are you in that is easiest to write fanfiction for?

Well, I've only ever written one fanfiction... So The Maze Runner, I guess.

10. Do you love fast food or hate it?

I'm not really a big fan of fast food.... Too greasy for my taste.

But I like Extreme Pita and fast food ice cream.

11. The worst ship ever is...

Can I include OC ships in Wattpad fanfictions? No? Okay... Probably


12. Say you had free tickets to comic con and so did two other friends. Who would you cosplay as?

Well... I'd probably go as... Hm. I have no idea XD.
Maybe Hermione from HP? I don't know who my friends would go as...
Fudge this I have no idea how to answer. Moving on...

13. Love or hate your middle name?

Meh. It's pretty good.


1. Favourite TV show?

Psych. Look it up on Netflix and bask.

2. Favourite animal?

Bats, dogs.

3. Favourite competitive game?

Um... Little Big Planet?

4. What do you do other than art/read/write on Wattpad?

School, basketball, fangirl, watch YouTube.

5. Favourite joke?

Q. Why did the chicken cross the road?

A. I think the more important question is: How did the chicken escape from its coop in the first place?

6. Funniest moment in your life?

Well... There was one time when two of my friends were over. I made a blanket fort next to the bed and lay down on the floor to read.

One friend was up on top of the bed, leaning over me. (I was narrarating the book using funny voices). All of a sudden, they fell on top of me, destroying my fort in the process! I was there moaning in pain and laughing at the same time, and my friends could barely breathe, they were laughing so hard!

Oh yeah, and a mattress fell on us several times. That weekend was fabulous.

7. What would you do if you heard suspicious footsteps in your house that you lived in alone?

Call a friend, grab the closest thing I could use as a weapon, and huddle in a corner away from a door.

Yeah, I'm kinda a wimp.

8. Favourite anime?

Agh, stop pressuring me to watch anime... I never have!

9. Favourite character?

Harry Potter or Zach Abram

10. Favourite colours?

Okay, you're getting desperate if you put down this question.

Black, blue, red, purple, green.

11. What's the first thing you do if all laws are gone?

Um... Secure my house as much as I can to protect myself from murderers.
I am not a lawbreaker. I know there aren't laws anymore, but it would still feel wrong...

12. Weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse?

Well... Erm... LIGHTSABER

13. Favourite food?

Ice cream? Idk.

14. Tag someone that inspires you:

Erm... This is past the 13...
But there are honestly so many people on here that inspire me, I can't only choose one... All of you amazing people inspire me to draw, and support me so much :)

14. Do you like being tagged?

Meh. Not really, but it's okay if the thing I have to do is short.


My Questions:

1. What's the most annoying type of fanfiction on Wattpad for you?
2. If you could change to be any age forever, what age would you choose?
3. What type of chocolate is your favourite?
4. How many languages can you speak?
Favourite school subject?
5. Night or day?
6. Eye colour?
7. Least favourite character of all time?
8. Best band?
9. Have any pets?
10. Would you rather be an older sibling or a younger sibling?
11. Do you wear makeup?
12. How many times have you seen *shudders* Frozen?
13. Favourite movie genre?

I tag:

And whoever else wants to do it.
I don't know who limes to be tagged...

Just answer the questions I made and make 13 of your own. And tag some people.

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