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Wattpaddians, want to know a little known fact about me?

Copying is my #1 pet peeve.


Seriously, why can't people be original enough to make their own art?

And yeah, I am talking about the person who stole briarberri 's art and called it their own.

(Yes, if you're bothering to red this, Cookie, I'm talking about you. Please, just take down the book and apologize.)

I don't know why anybody would want to do that to another person. The worked so hard to make amazing art, and people just screenshot it, calling it their original art? What the fudge? I mean, the only work they put into it is pressing the home and power button at the same time to capture the image on the screen.


Also, why do they think that they'll get more fame by stealing a popular artist's art? All they ever bring upon themselves is hate and anger. Why even bother?

I am fortunate enough not to have had any of my art stolen (probably because it's not all that good XD) but to all of you who have, stay strong and know that it'll get better!

Please let me know if you see anybody steal my art/ OC's and claim it to be theirs.

Another thing, DO NOT go to the thief's profile/ art book and rant to her, you're just giving her the attention she wants, but doesn't deserve


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