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250 followers? How? I only started posting stuff almost two months Ago!

Thank you all so much for the support you've given me! And feel free to message me anytime, I'll ALWAYS respond when I get the time! I'm still just a lame teenager, 2 followers or 250!

Also... This challenge thing has been long overdue.

1. I don't have one.

2. Grayish-blue

3. Medium brown

4. I am a self taught artist, other than from art class in school XD

5. Black, blue, red. In that order.

6. My living room couch.

7. I don't really keep up with all this 'celebrity' stuff. Maybe Leonardo DiCaprio.

8. Foxes, bats, and cacti.

9. At the moment? DEVIL'S TRAIN

10. Dood. How can I choose? Maybe 'I Am The Weapon' or 'Out Of My Mind'

I can't tag 20 people now. I have to wake up in seven hours. Do it if you wanna.

Art Of Average AwesomenessWhere stories live. Discover now