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The moment we've all been waiting for....

The results of my shipping contest!

First of all, I have to say that I had a really hard time choosing between all of these AMAZING entries. Seriously, each and every one of these is super awesome! And if you didn't place, don't let that discourage you! I LOVED all of the entries, and I wish I could give you all first place... But that's not how a contest works, right?

Anyways, moving on.... The winners! (If you didn't already check the media :p)

Honourable Mentions:


Hehe, that's a cool little joke you fit in there, Dina! The ship name is cute, (Andrika) as is the drawing!


You gave such an awesome backstory for this, I had to include it! Too bad I don't ship Safira with anyone.... But it's still super cool!



They're such an adorable couple, just like you said in your entry!
It helps that the drawing looks awesome XD



This one is the cutest of them all, in my opinion! A frosty winter boy falling for a bright spring girl? Adorable ^-^



Look at this.

My little handsome cactus boy has found love! -v-

They are so cute together, and they're both humanized plants!

Coincidentally fitting!

So, the end of my second contest. Hopefully, there will be many more to come!

And as I said earlier, don't lose hope if you didn't place, you all did amazing! Just because me and my lame judging skills didn't include you doesn't mean you're not good enough! I am just a dorky teen, after all!

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