Drenched in Sorrow

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-Drenched in sorrow-

I scanned my surroundings with tear glazed eyes becoming increasingly anxious over the absence of Sameal and Hayl in my hazy vision, feeling lost and alone; my thoughts becoming ever more irrational as I worried how I would survive without them. Fear and loneliness tormenting my every thought making salty tears gush uncontrollably down my cold cheeks. I couldn’t think straight, couldn’t think of anything other than the fact I was now all alone.

My legs collapsed from beneath me, making my body crumble onto the filthy solid ground, where I now sat with my legs sprawled and bent inwards, my undignified posture reflecting my defeat. I lolled forward burying my pained face in my trembling hands, feeling thick cold rain drops patter against my already icy cold skin.

My chest heaved dramatically as I struggled to control the tears that poured as fast and freely as the rain that seemed to drench me with even more sorrow. The water soaking through the flimsy lace material of my dress which had once felt loose and floaty now felt as though it had been painted onto my cold skin began to turn grey and sully as it soaked in the dirty pavement. My once silky hair became sodden and matted as the bitter wind blew it this way and that creating knots upon knots within my golden mane.

All I could hear was my hysterical sobs and the pitter-patter of the rain drops as they splattered ripples in the many puddles that now encircled me. I wasn’t even sure what I was crying over anymore for all I now felt was an overwhelming sense of emptiness and sadness.

I’m uncertain how long I sat there, sobbing in the rainfall because it felt like an eternity until two warm hands firmly grasped hold of my icy cold wrists and hauled me up from the puddles, too defeated to protest or even lift my head to view my company, I was lifted so quickly and easily it was as if had no substance and was made merely of air.

I remained starring down at the ground, at a pair of brown leather boots uncaring and uninterested as to whom they belonged to, before a hand gently caressed my chin tilting it towards the sky, so that I now came face to face with a pair of familiar grey eyes that burned into mine, shining ever so slightly with tiny blue flecks.

His messy mop of charcoal coloured hair fell loosing before his eyes masking them ever so slightly, his sculpted nose appeared red and swollen and his face was smeared with the colour of deep burgundy. I gazed at his rugged appearance with confusion and admiration as he returned my stare with burning intensity, wearing an unreadable expression.

Still embracing my chin in his large palm he suddenly crushed his lips forcefully against mine. Gently yet firmly forcing my cold lips apart he moulded his own warm rough lips against them, all I could think about now was the sensation of his lips against mine, as he slid his tongue gently between them, a throaty moan escaping his mouth and vibrating through the kiss while his hand brushed against the small of my back, pulling me closer towards him. I lifted my hands up around his neck combing my fingers through his messy hair as I melted into his kiss, as his lips became more and more urgent, nothing seemed to matter anymore, nothing but him and his lips.

The low coarse sound of throat clearing dragged me away from my bliss as he reluctantly broke away, resting his forehead against mine as he sighed deeply  before turning his head towards the sound. Following his gaze I saw Hayl standing before us wearing an expression of calculated annoyance, noticing for the first time that it was no longer raining and wondering why only I was wet.

“This is neither the time nor the place for this sort of carry on,” he droned in an aggravated tone.

Sameal nodded in agreement as I leaned shyly into his embrace suddenly feeling dizzyingly exhausted.

“You should perhaps carry her, before she collapses,” Hayl announced through gritted teeth.

Sameal’s adamant frown was the last thing I saw before darkness consumed me.


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