Dude! My first tag!

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Okie dokie! Thanks to @ArielWIld I am doing my first tag! I'm going to be answering her questions then I'll be tagging a couple people with a couple of my own questions!" :P

1) If you were in the Black Butler world, what would you do? I'd help solve crime and kick butt with Ciel and help protect him with Sebastian, definitely. What else is there to do? They have like the best job ever. Plus, I'll be smarter just standing next to Ciel. 

2) If you could date anyone in the entire world, who would it be? Ohhhh hard one. I have my eyes set on someone right now....kinda not really. But in truth? I'd rather be single. I haven't met any guy I really wanted to date. 

3) If your favorite character came up to you and asked you if you wanted to do something with them, would you say yes or no? If so, why or why not? Yes. Yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes. Over and over again. Why? Because if Percy Jackson came to me asking if I wanted to help him with a quest, that would only be because I could see through the mist and if I get the chance to see through the mist, I'd take it, even if it's for a once in a lifetime/life threatening adventure.

4) Say you got superpowers, would you use them for good or evil? And why or why not? Lol, this is a gray area for me. If selfish purposes would count as evil then yeah, evil, BUT! If there was ever the chance I could help someone else with my superpowers I would do it. Sooooo, that would be for good right? Right?

5) What would you like to do when you grow up or get a job or sorts? Oh, I settled this question just last semester. I want to be a nurse. Two of my aunts are nurses and I've been convinced by my friends that I want to be a nurse. There's nothing better than being a nurse.

6) What do you ship in Black Butler? Well, of course, my OC's and their corresponding BB characters. But seriously speaking? I think that Beast and Joker were the saddest couple ever. They wanted to be together so bad but they CAN'T. They're dead now. Darn you, Sebastian. 

7) If I came to you and asked if you wanted to be in my story, would you be antagonist or helpful to the protagonist? Probably an antagonist. Why? Because I want someone to imagine me as an antagonist and I want to see how they would portray me. In real life, everyone is their own protagonist and I know for certain that I am someone's antagonist and I just want to know what I could do to offend someone without meaning to. 

8) You have the choice to be a Mage, Warrior or Rogue. Which one would you be? Rogue. Maybe warrior. I like mages, but no way am I going to be one. Rogues are cool and swift and have that kind of aura....but on the flip side, I also like the warrior because of how empowering it sounds. 

9) What's your top 3 favorite colors? Easy: gold, silver, seafoam. Not necessarily in that order

10) What would you like to see in the next chapter? (AKA the next chapter after the next chapter) Let's go with ninjas! Jk, ummmmm, well, just my input but you should put your character's right smack dab in the middle of the murder mystery arc or at the very beginning when Ciel gets kidnapped by the dude, I don't remember his name, he was a minor character anyway. 

11) Do you even like answering my questions? Heck, yes! It's my first tag! I'm super psyched about this!

12) Why do you guys not comment in the chapters? Ummmm, your chapters? Or the chapters of my own book? But anyway, it doesn't matter! I don't comment in either anyway. I just don't for some reason, but I'm telling you, it's my new years resolution to comment! I gotta stop being such a shy author! After this year, you guys will be so sick of me talking about myself or the books.

Okayyyyy, now I get to tag and bully people! Okay so, I'll only have 10 question for you guys! You don't understand how exciting this is!

1) First off, reading or writing? Which do you prefer? 

2) Between Ciel and Sebastian, who do you like better? 

3) What's your favorite movie? 

4) Favorite character of all times? Think all books, manga, animes, shows, movie, etc. 

5)Tell me about the last dream you remember having. 

6) What's your zodiac sign and what's today's horoscope for you? 

 7) If you can live in a fictional world, what world would you live in? CHOOSE ONE! I know it's hard.

8) What is your love language?

9) Who do you ship in Black Butler? 

10) Who is the Ultimate OTP?






Okayyyy, so upon tagging people, I really need to get myself out there! I have no friends haha. Oh well, I'm bound to find friends eventually. But shoutout to tinxlove125!!! You're awesome girly, stay that way.

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