Chapter 3

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It was the morning of September the 1st, and I was more excited than ever to get to school. I got all my things together and stuffed it in my bag. I called my precious gray owl, Raindrop, and made my way from my room downstairs where father was pacing back and forth in the sitting room.

"Dad?" I asked with concern on my face. He looked to me with an emotionless face, but I could see the nervousness and fear in his eyes. I knew he had been going crazy with everything that happened a few weeks ago, and was very scared about something. "What's the matter?" I asked him.

"Selena, we need to have a talk before we head to Kings Cross, there's something I should let you know before you return to Hogwarts this year." I looked at him, a little confused, but sort of knew where this was going.

"Honey, you know that I care about you so much, and I love you more than words can express," as he said this he slowly walked closer to me, putting both hands on my shoulders. "I just want you to promise me you won't go looking for answers as to what that dream you had meant. It's too dangerous to your safety. There are things that I need to do this year that may shock you, and I can't quite tell you exactly what they are yet. Just please don't do anything you may regret forever."

After he finished this long and sincere speech of his, I looked deeper in his eyes and saw how frightened he was about something, and I really had no idea what he meant about the things he needs to get done. I shook it off and just said, "Um, sure, okay dad, whatever you say." I knew this answer was a little weak, and his narrowed his eyes at me as I said this. I knew he didn't really buy that I wasn't gonna go looking for answers, which I was. So I lied by reasurring him, "Dad, I won't go looking for anything okay? It's really not a big deal to me anymore." It pained me to lie so hard like this to him, but this time he seemed to believe me.

"Thanks Selena, I knew you would do the right thing."

Ugh! I felt awful for lying to him. I just needed to do it because I had to find out what the Dark Lord wants from me. Maybe it won't be all that bad. Maybe he just wants to see what my powers are like. And that really wasn't all that bad. I kind of felt proud that such a powerful wizard would want to see what a girl like me could do.

With that, father escorted me out of our home and we apparated to Kings Cross Station.


Snape's POV

I was TERRIFIED. And I'm usually not the type to show emotion...ever. But I really couldn't take it anymore. As I left Selena at the barrier to get to Platform Nine and Three Quarters, I quickly apparated to the outside of Hogwarts and made my way to my office in the dungeons.

I swiftly sat down at my desk and sighed. I put my head in my hands and just let all my emotions out. Could the Dark Lord really want her to get to Potter? It couldn't be to get to Albus, because he had already ordered Malfoy to kill him this year, and of course, I had recently agreed to protect him in the process, and as the plan between Albus and I stands, I must step in and kill Albus myself. This way the Dark Lord will trust me completely and I can secretely help Potter defeat him.

But if the Dark Lord has other plans in mind with Selena, what could I do in order to keep her safe? She was now extremely vulnerable to everything the Dark Lord may want from her. I couldn't let this happen. All that I have been striving for to keep Potter safe and succeed may be crashing down instantly.

No! This will not happen! He will not use my daughter, my own flesh and blood , to kill and become evil. And I know she is interested in it, because she thinks it's nothing terrible. She has no idea that that awful man killed her mother, my Lily, and destroyed everything I am in the process. I was going to have to tell her the truth about the Dark Lord and her mother. This would turn her away from this darkness.

I just didn't know how to do it yet.


Selena's POV

As we made our way onto the train, I met Draco and the guys sitting in the compartment on the very end. When I made my way next to Draco in the compartment, he looked up at me with a big grin on his face. But I could tell from his eyes that he was hiding something from me.

"Hey Draco, what's going on?" I asked, letting him know I was onto him.

"Hey Selena, oh, it's nothing, just have a lot of things on my mind. But anyways, I've missed you! How have you been?"

"I've been better," I said with a smug face. He looked at me with concern on his face. I loved when he looked at me that way. It made me feel that he really cared, just as a best friend should.

"What do you mean?" he said. I decided to just tell him. I knew his family was very powerful and his father was a Death Eater, so it all made sense for me to ask him about what it's like.

"So that's what my dream was about," I said as I finished my story. He looked at me with shock this time. I knew that he knows about Death Eaters. So I just asked him. "Draco, can you tell me anything you know about being a Death Eater?"

As I said this he grabbed my hand and said, "Selena, why don't we talk about this in private, I think there's something I should let you know."

So I nodded and we went next door to an emty compartment and he shut the shades on the compartment door for privacy.

"So, what is it you wanna tell me?" I asked with a small grin. He had a very serious face on however, so I mimicked his expression.

"Selena, Death Eaters are the main followers of you-know-who. They do whatever he tells them to do and use the Dark Mark to communicate with him when he is not with them. It burns really bad when you know he is angry or is going to summon you to him. They help him become more powerful, and do things to mudbloods that can be terrible." I let him finish and finally got to ask him some more questions.

"So, they can be bad, but are very powerful." He nodded. "And how exactly do you know what it feels like?" I asked with great curiousity.

"Because--well because I--I am one." My mouth dropped, and he then rolled up his left sleeve to reveal his Dark Mark tattoo. He seriously was a Death Eater!? I felt a surge of jealousy run through my whole body. I don't know why I felt this way, or why I even said what I said next.

"Draco, you need to take me to the Dark Lord. I--I want to be one too." The look on Draco's face was priceless. He looked like he just got smacked in the face.

"You--you what!? Why would you want to commit to something this serious?? This is very dark stuff Selena, you don't know what you'd be getting yourself into."

"I don't care. I think he wants me for something. I heard Dumbledore telling my father that a few weeks ago. This could be my moment. I could become one of the most powerful witches with his help."

Draco just looked at me for about a minute. He finally caught up to everything he heard and said, "Well, if that's what you really want, I guess I could make it happen for you." This made me so excited, yet nervous at the same time. Draco was going to help me meet the Dark Lord, and he would help me become something I always wanted to be. A Death Eater.

"We'll go see him over the weekend I guess. But you have to do everything I tell you, or else you could be in for it."

I didn't care what I had to do. As long as I could see him. This was my moment to shine. And I was definately going to do it, no matter how much father hates it. I would make him proud in the end. I was sure of it.

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