Chapter 6

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*One Week After Alpha Black Tells His Pack To Get Ready For An Attack On The Silver Crescent Moon Pack*

I woke up feeling like an ice block. Everything was ice cold, exempt for something next to me. Opening my eyes, I saw Jackson asleep next to me. I cuddled closet to him to get more heat, but that woke him up.

"Cee what the-" He jumped back and his eyes widened. "Cee, you're burning!"

I whimpered softly, my teeth chattering slightly. "I-I'm fr-free-eezi-zing." My fingers were slightly numbed, but I still felt the cold.

Taking my hand, he sat down. "I'm mind-linking Matthew to prepare a room. I'm going to pick you up." I nodded, telling him it was okay. As soon as he picked me up, he was running down the stairs and through the living room.

"Alpha Jackson." Matthew nodded at him before facing me. "When was the last time you shifted?"

Before I could respond, I cried out in pain as my back arches, my bones cracking slightly and softly. As fast as if happened, I was back into a fetal position to accumulate as much heat as I can. My back was aching in pain.

"She hasn't shifted yet." My brother's voice echoed through the room. "She's half human, so she was going to shift later than most werewolves." He stated, walking towards me and pushing my bangs out of my face. "You okay Cee?"

I shook my head. "C-co-old." He nodded on understanding.

Matthew sighed softly as he looked at me. "I don't think the pup is going to live. The first shift is one of the most painful thing a werewolf can go through." He turned towards Jackson. "Some have actually died during their first shifts from the pain, and some have been put in a coma too."

Before Jackson could reply, a scream escaped me as my back arched once again, only this time a loud crack was heard, and my body was paralyzed. "Sh*t! It's starting now!" He got my limp body and I felt myself being gently put on the grassy ground. Another scream came as my right leg snapped in half.

A small crowd came around us as this happened. One minute, two minutes, three minutes and nothing happened. "Is-" A loud scream came from me once again as my left leg snapped too.

From the corner of my eye I noticed Matthew frown. "There's something wrong. She should be healing by now to help with the shift." He came towards me and put his hands on my leg.

"Matthew?" Jackson asked, worriedly."

He sighed in relief before looking up at Jackson. "She's healing, just slower than we normally would."

Jackson and Lukas sighed in relief. I felt my toes suddenly bend at an awkward angle as a small cry escaped me. Soon after my upper left leg snapped in two, my upper right leg following too with a muffled scream.

With every agonizing minute, another bone snapped into pieces and slowly rebuild themselves to make my new bones. Now, my head was still it's normal self before my skin and muscles started tearing, pulling, and molding around the newly formed bones. I suddenly felt my spine slowly move down, pushing the skin and muscles with it to form a tail.

From my chin down I probably looked like a hairless dog, and from the chin up I looked like a sick girl who was crying for hours. I suddenly felt my eyes being compressed and stretched at the same time into my new wolf eyes, at the same time as my nails pulled and sharpened into claws. A pulling, tugging sensation came into my ears, and my head felt as if it was being torn in half. A scream left me as my teeth felt as if it was being pulled and broken at the same time.

"She's almost fully shifted, all that's left are the organs and fur. That and her healing has to finish." Matthew, I think, spoke from behind me. My body was numbed except for my insides.

An agonizing hour later, I was able to move my limbs. Just as I was about to move, or try to move, into a more comfortable position, I felt my insides move and twist. I turned to a side and puked everything I had eaten out. I continued dry heaving until the feeling left.

Then, you know when you have tape on your arm and you pull it? Well that was what I felt, but times ten, all over my body as the thin, tiny, hairs in my body grew and thickened, while the ones in my hair seemed to be pulled back into my scalp. My vision blurred and darkened, and before I know it, I was out cold.



I froze, as did the while pack, when Cee fainted. Matthew, on the other hand, immediately rushed towards her and looked for her heart beat. "Jackson! Help me get her into the ER!!! Her heart beats are getting slower, and I feel her wolf and the baby weakening."

That snapped me out of my trance like state, and Jake immediately took over. He got Cee and carried her as we ran towards the ER building. Rushing to the nearest room, I laid her on the bed, while Jake took in the surrounding.

Matthew ran in and got the shock thingy to restart my mate's heart. "One, two, three, clear!" Shock number one. "Another! One, two, three, clear!!!" Second shock. "Last one! One, two, three, clear!!!" My mates heart beats became more stable and I sighs in relief. "CLAIRE!!! I NEED AN IV, A RESPIRATOR, A HEART MONITOR, AND BANDAGES STAT!!!"

Claire, Matthew's blonde little sister, rushed in with everything he asked and started applying it to Cee's sleeping wolf form. "Matt, d'ya need the small IV, medium IV, or large IV?"

"Small, and call in Lukas and a guard just in case." Claire nodded as she finished putting in the IV in Cee as Lukas and Duke, my best Guard, walked in.

Claire and Lukas froze as they looked at each other. "Mate!" They said at the same time. Lukas then looked at Cee's wolf form and whimpered. "Cee." Claire growled lowly, but was stopped when Lukas smiled at her and pulled her into his arms. "Cee is my sister, no need to get jealous my little mate."

Claire blushed before burying her face into his chest. "Oh, alpha, she's stable now, but it will take a but before she wakes. Maximum, a month, minimum, two days."

"And the pup?" I asked, worried for our daughter. "Is she going to be okay too?" Claire looked down, the soft smile now gone. "Claire, please tell me our pup is going to be fine."

Claire looked up. "Alpha, the pup, we can't tell if she's okay, but considering the situation, if she lives, then she might have some problems, most likely she might be paralyzed, blind, mute, deaf, and she might even have severe anxiety."

I looked at Claire, shaking slightly. "No."


"No. No no no no no!" Jake had taken over now. "F*cking goddess." In seconds, I was in wolf form, and ran towards Cee. I got on the surprisingly comfortable hospital bed that held her in wolf form, got behind her and snuggled closer to her. My fur was moist with our tears, and whenever someone got to close, excluding Matthews, I growled at them.

Why? Jake cried silently in my head. Why to such f*cking innocent people. My mate. My pup.

'I don't know Jake, I don't honestly know.' I replied just as sad. 'I don't know.'


YAS!!! Two updates in one day! (Well... In one hour...)

Welp, Imma gonna make this short and sweet.
I'm not gonna be updating in a bit, cause I'm pre-writing other stories and chapters before publishing it, and I'm writing two other stories with a friend strawberryjellydog01 with my friend elladog01

Follow her, she's a cool person.

Any whoops, any questions? Suggestions? Just comment it and I will respond. Unless if it's a stupid question... Then I would just joke and still respond, cause I'm that nice.

Welp, love, hugs, and skittle guns,

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