Chapter 1

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"Where is your sister? She's old enough to do this!" Alpha Black growled at my half-brother.

"She's too young, and what about when she finds her mate? What will happen then?" Lukas, my half-brother, responded, trying to stop the alpha from getting to me.

Lu? Wh-what's going on? I mind-linked him.

"Can't you wait two more years?" Lukas continued, ignoring me.

I heard a growl and in a flash, I was thrown into a cell and had someone hovering over me. "Ready?" Alpha Black asked, giving me a deranged grin.

Before I could respond, I felt my clothes being ripped off, and Alpha kissing me and gripping my arms, most likely bruising them.

•~_~•* Two Years Later *•~_~•

"Hey, mutt, you got another one!" I heard someone growl at me. The cell door opened, and the sound of footsteps nearing me echoed everywhere. "I'm off to sleep. It's your week to guard her."

When the cell gates closed, I finally dared to open my eyes. "L-Lu?" I asked, my voice hoarse from never using it.

He rushed to me and pulled me into his arms. "I'm here Cee, I'm here. It's all going to be okay. I promise." He whispered into my ear as I broke down in tears. "I'm going to get you out of here, I promise. Just hold on for three more days. Can you do that for me?"

I sniffled, but nodded non of the less. "I'll try, just hurry please."

"I have to go, Alpha said he's coming here." He kissed my forehead. "I'm going to punch you so he doesn't suspect a thing, okay?"

Preparing myself, I nodded. "Go ahead."

After three punches and two kicks, he left, to pack everything up for us, as Alpha Black enter the cell. "Let's do this mutt."


"See you in a week Mutt." Alpha Black sang, grinning at Lukas when passing by him. "Tell me if she finally shifts."

Lukas nodded in assurance. "Yes Alpha." Slipping into unconsciousness, I felt a small peck on my forehead and heard. "I love you. Just wait and we'll be free. I promise."



Looking at my father for his approval, I drummed my fingers on my knee in anxiety.

"Seems like a good idea, but I'll give you until your twenty-fifth birthday. After that, you marry someone in this pack and become alpha. Understood?"

I jumped up and immediately shook his hand with happiness. Just as I was leaving, I licked my lips in hunger and tastes blood. What? I suddenly felt pain on my man parts, and fell on the floor.

"JACKSON!" My mother cried, rushing to me and gasping. "Your arms are bruised. Holy f*ck, and your lip is bleeding! AUSTIN GET THE PACK DOCTER!"

Gripping my balls, (A/N: Yeah, that's totally not going to be scarring the readers.) I whimpered in pain. "WHAT THE F*CK IS HAPPENING?!??" I growled in pain at my mother.

She squeezed my arm in a comforting manner before smiling sadly. "It means your mate is close by, but I think she's being r*ped."

Groaning one last time, I fell unconscious.

•~_~•*• Two Years Later •*•~_~•

The same thing kept on happening for two years, making the search for my mate even more important.

Continue looking, we take a break at noon. I told my searchers. After all this time, the pain just numbed to a jolt of uncomfortable electricity, and my wolf just whimpered in pain or grief.

I suddenly felt the electricity, but now it wasn't bearable. Now it was like a kick to the shin. I'm taking five. I barked through the mind-link.


It's midnight, Jackson, let's head back to the pack and resume tomorrow. My soon-to-be Beta, Hudson, told me. My mate is already freaking out, and I'd like my pup to be healthy when he comes.

Sighing in defeat, I told everyone to head back. Tell Nina I said hi, okay Hudson?

He flashed me a wolfish grin and rushed back to the pack. We'll find her, Jack, I promise.

I hope so. You only ever get one mate, and the deadline is in two months.


Hi y'all.

Whatcha fink?
Good story? Or meh? Or 'BOOO!!!' Story?

Well, love, kisses, and skittle guns,
Until next time,

Lone She WolfOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora