Chapter 2

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~•*Three days later*•~

"Cee?" I heard a voice call for me. "Are you up?"

I croaked a yes. "Do you have my clothes?" The sound of a door opening made me look up. "Thank you, Lu."

Helping me up, he smiled softly at me. "I masked my scent, so they won't be able to track us." He passed me a dress and some undergarments. "When you get that on, I'll be out here if you need me. I want you to get me when you finish. Okay?"

"O-okay." I stuttered, grabbing the clothes. "Thank you." He nodded, and then turned around.

Finished changing, I called Lukas. He helped me up on my weak legs and carried me outside. "I'm going to shift, okay? I need you to get on me and then we'll be free."

I nodded, he took off his clothes and shifted into his tan wolf with caramel spots on his paws, belly, and ears. Getting on, and grabbing the bag with our stuff, he ran as fast as he could. Feeling a slight migraine from exiting the pack territory, my grip on Lukas's fur tightened. "I love you."

'Love you too, sis.' He answered back. 'We'll camp tonight before looking for somewhere to stay.'

Drifting asleep, I nodded. "Okay."



Doing my usual midnight run, I sniffed the air just in case my mate was nearby. 'We're never going to find her.' Jake, my wolf, whined in pain.

Yes we are. I barked back, sniffing. I know we wi- I froze when I inhaled a sweet, cinnamon like scent. Told you. Running, I followed the scent until it faded. It-it was here!

'Maybe we did a wrong turn?' Jake suggested. 'Call for backup and find that scent again!'

Doing as he said, I looked for the sweet scent again. I FOUND A SCENT THAT'S NOT FROM THE PACK! I NEED BACKUP JUST IN CASE! I yelled in the mind-link. I found the scent again and followed it deeper into the woods.


Alpha, it's already seven in the morning and we haven't found the wolf. Hudson told me with a synaptic look.

Just as I was about to reply, the scent grew stronger and I rushed towards it. When I reached the end of the scent, I saw a tan wolf with caramel spots, and a red haired girl with freckles and long, curly hair. 'Mate!' Jake yelled, taking over and walking closer towards them.

When we were five feet near them, the wolf got up and growled at us. He positioned himself over her in a protective manner. What do you want? he barked.

Looking at the girl with soft eyes, I got closer. I smelled her. I nodded towards the girl. She's my mate.

The wolf's green eyes widened, but he lowered himself slightly. What's your name?

Growling, I stood taller. What's yours?

I'm Lukas. He replied in a similar tone. I'm guessing you're an alpha.

I nodded. Soon to be alpha. My names in Jackson Druson. Looking at the girl, I asked in a softer tone. What's her name and why is she with you?

Lukas growled and moved closer to me. I will not tell you her name, but she's my half sister.

The girl stirred and slowly got up, but stopped when she hit Lukas's stomach. "Lu, go away." She groaned. "I don't feel so good and I would like to get a proper meal for the first time in two years."

Before any of us could respond, she immediately rushed up and ran towards a tree. Lukas's eyes widened as he shifted into human form and got some shorts on. He ran towards her and pulled her hair back and rubbed her back. "Are you okay Cee? Did you eat something bad?"

Telling the others to head back, I shifted and put on the pants I had tied to my leg. I walked towards them but froze when I saw puke from where she was. "She needs to see a doctor." I said immediately.

Lukas looked up and nodded. "We'll go with you, but just help her." Grabbing their stuff, I shifted back and walked back towards where my pack was. Thank you. He said softly as he, now in wolf form, walked besides me with Cee on his back, holding her stomach in pain. But if you hurt her, I will make sure you can't make any babies.

I know. Now let's hurry before something worse happens to her.

Hi... Bye

Well, love, kisses, and skittle guns,
Until next time,

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