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I believe that summer has truly arrived. Roisin tells me that while our position in the south of the land gives us a milder winter, the closeness of the mountains gives us a cooler summer. So, the fine weather I experienced on my arrival was the norm, not an exception. We have the best of both worlds.

It is occasionally a cause of wonder to me how easily I now write 'we' and 'our' and 'us.' For so many years there was no 'we' in my life. It was not convenient or safe. Now, it is impossible not to have a 'we' or 'our.' And it is not only Ash, but Roisin who fits in that word with me. But even they are not the only ones.

I have made friends here. I find that to be almost miraculous. Scarn the woodcutter and his son Case often stop by to chat and occasionally bring me wild game. Virtue has been soliciting my advice on his pastries, due apparently to the boys praising my tarts. Alfbert grouches at me as he does everyone else, which Roisin assures me is a sure sign of his acceptance. Ned, the miller's apprentice and his wife Alma are expecting their first child. Today he came by and told me that his wife's mother had some ability with magic. He wished to know if I would be willing to advise them should their child prove to have ability as well.

'We' make  a comfortable living on the salves, potions, unguents and herbal mixtures for Heston. I find payments of eggs, meats, and vegetables in my larder as well as coin from the more well to do folk. Roisin insists that I take a larger share, because of Ash. Not only for his care, but because he has added his effort to our alchemical enterprise.

Speaking of which, our plants are growing well—presumably from the old manure—but so are the weeds. Tomorrow we will have to clear the beds. There is a remarkable satisfaction in stripping to the waist and getting down on my knees to pluck weeds that threaten my tender seedlings. I sometimes imagine the horrified looks I would receive from the other Ossuary members over that!! They would not understand.

I am well rid of that life. I do not miss any of it—except my students. Roisin tells me that Sevaka has assured her that all of them are doing well under the eye of the Tower. I hope that they find their new life as good as mine has proven to be. The binding on my magic is the only cause for discontent that I have, and that is not as irritating as it once was. In fact, I can actually go for an entire day without feeling the tingle of warning that tells me that I was drawing on my magic. That is an improvement. And, if that is the worst problem I have, I will not complain.

Bending low, Niall coaxed another weed out of the ground while disturbing the nearby herb seedling as little as possible. The breeze cooled the sweat on his bare back and lifted the hair away from his forehead. A few rows away Ash was similarly engaged. They had been laboring over the beds all morning and behind them the rows were clean and orderly. Niall leaned back and straightened, easing his stiff muscles.

A distant sound reached his sharp ears, causing a smile to flit across his lips. His work rhythm did not falter. On the contrary, he seemed to gain a bit of impetus as the sound of the pony cart came closer.

As Roisin came around the corner of the cottage, she stopped short, taking in the sight of the two busily weeding. She suddenly felt a bit breathless and it had naught to do with her physical activity. Rather, it was a quite pleasing expanse of muscled male torso. Niall finished the consigning the last weedy invader to death and pushed to his feet. As he turned in her direction, Roisin's breath hitched. His bare back was enough to make her breathless, his bare chest was breathtaking—literally. The man was beautifully formed, all lean muscle with a scattering of dark hair across his chest and down the center of his belly.

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