chapter one

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Takashi Saikawa, age 26, a purchasing manager for a large company specializing in vehicle parts, woke up on Saturday morning from a loud noise coming from the window. The man yawned and got off his bed. To say that he was unhappy about the noise was equivalent to not saying anything at all.

He pulled the curtain away and looked out.

*Someone's moving in?* he thought as another wave of yawning washed over him.

Takashi pulled the curtains together again and returned to bed. As soon as he started drifting into the land of Morpheus, someone rang the doorbell. Takashi's eyes shot open as he grimaced and pushed off the covers. He stalked to the door and opened it.

A tall young man stood in front of him. His face expressed absolutely nothing. He had most evident poker face Takashi had ever seen, nevertheless he looked quite handsome.

"May I help you?" Takashi asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"I am Yamada Shin, I moved in into the apartment next door." He said. His voice was deep and pleasant, yet a hit of awkwardness seeped through. Shin handed Takashi two colourful boxes. Instinctively Takashi accepted and quickly glanced at the packaging. Those were boxes of sweets.

"Saikawa..." he replied already feeling his mouth watering. "Takeshi." His sleepiness was gone and all he could think was digging into those boxes. "Thank you."

"You like sweets." Shin said. No, he did not ask, he stated the fact.

Takashi blinked and nodded with a small smile.

"So how old are you?" Takashi finally asked taking his eyes away from the boxes. "You must be a student, right?"

Shin nodded. "I am 20." He replied.

*I am six years your senior.* Takashi thought with a hint of sadness.

"So you are a student at K University?"

Shin nodded.



Takashi looked up and down at his new neighbour noting that he could easily pass for a crazy scientist.

"How about you Saikawa-san?"

Saikawa raised his eyebrows amused at how he remembered his last name so easily.

"I'm a purchasing manager,"

Shin did not reply. The two stood at the door looking at each other in silence. The situation felt awkward, and Takashi could not wait for Shin to go. He shut the door and exhaled feeling relieved. He gazed at the sweets and swallowed rushing to the kitchen to put the water to boil. It was time for a morning coffee.


The door into the office swung open and a man in his mid thirties walked inside very gracefully. He reminded everyone a lion before his prey. His whole aura was eradiating confidence and sexuality. He pushed his hair back and grinned.

"Mr. President," said a petite pleasantly looking female.

"Is Saikawa in his office?" asked the president.

"Saikawa-san is inside but," but president motioned for her to leave. The woman bowed and rushed away. The president pushed the door open not bothering to knock.

Saikawa looked up and raised his eyebrows. The man closed the door and locked it from the inside.

"Mr. President," Saikawa said politely. "How may I assist you today?"

"Takashi, I thought I told you to call me Hideaki,"

"When we are alone." Takashi protested.

"We are alone!"

"We are at work!"

Hideaki smirked. "I locked the door."

"Mr President, please get off my table."

Hideaki grabbed Takashi's arm and roughly pulled him closer. "You are so composed. I want to mess you up."

"Mr. Preside..." but he was cut off with Hideaki's rough kiss. The man forced his tongue into Takashi's mouth while he held his arm tightly bruising it in process. With a free hand he grabbed the younger man's face and held it firmly. Takashi grabbed onto his arm trying to pull it away from his face but quickly gave up in realization that Hideaki was too strong and he himself did not want to stop what was happening.

Hideaki pushed Takashi onto the table and spread his legs. Takashi held in his voice trying not to make any noise. His hair and face were messed up and a thin like of saliva was dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Hideaki pressed his hardness against Takashi who bit his lip muffling the moans.

With a swift move Hideaki undid Takashi's trousers and disposed them along with his underwear. Hideaki bit his neck as one finger entered Takashi's butt. Takashi gripped onto Hideaki's shoulders and threw his head back feeling the pleasure and letting it indulge him.

"You are mine Takashi," Hideaki whispered in hoarse voice as his finger was replaced by his manhood.

"Yes..." Takashi moaned pushing his hips in rhythm with Hideaki's movement. "Yours...I'm all yours..."

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