chapter two

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That evening Takashi returned home later than usual. The exhaustion was written all over his face as he loosened his tie. With one hand he leaned on the wall beside his apartment while with the other he tried to open the door, but the key just would not go into the keyhole.

"Damnit." He hissed. Takashi groaned loudly and rested his head on the door.


Takashi turned around abruptly. Shin was walking up the stairs with a blank look on his face.

"Shin-kun," Saikawa sighed and leaned against his own door. "I think I've had a bit too much to drink."

"Would you like to come in?" Shin offered opening his apartment. Takashi thought for a moment and nodded.

Takashi walked into an apartment smaller than his own and much emptier. He followed Shin into what seemed like a living room. A small kotatsu was placed in the middle of the room. There were a few pillows thrown on the floor. Countless piles of books and newspapers finished the design of the room. "Please take a seat," Shin offered. "I'll make some coffee." Shin made his way into a tiny kitchen and Takashi heard the typical noise of preparing instant coffee. Soon his senses were tickled by the smell of coffee. "I'm sorry but I only have instant coffee." Shin apologized.

"Thank you." Takashi smiled and accepted the cup. Shin placed a plate with sweets on the table in front of Takashi. The man swallowed and instinctively reached out of the treat. Takashi munched on the treat with a content face unaware of the look Shin was giving him.

"This is good. Real good." He said as he finished the whole plate. "Ooops," Takashi rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry, I think I got carried away..."

Shin shook his head. "It's okay. I don't like sweet things anyway."

"You don't?" Takashi yelled in amusement. "How can you not?!"

Shin shrugged.

Takashi sighed and rested his head on the table. His eyes were closed. The man felt at ease.

Shin reached out his big hand and placed it on Takashi's head. "Saikawa-san..." he called quietly. "You are gay right?"

Saikawa chocked and coughed loudly. He glanced at the young man in front of him with his eyebrows furrowed but Shin still had the same poker face on.

"Are you seeing anyone right now?"

*So straight forward. He is terrible.* Takashi though wiping his mouth.

"I am seeing someone right now, yes."

Shin fell silent. Takashi rested his chin on his hand watching his neighbour. Shin's gloominess was quickly transferring to Takashi. The salary man sighed and leaned over the table. He grabbed Shin's chin and smashed his lips onto his. Shin was taken aback, and Takashi used the moment to push his tongue into Shin's mouth. "Ahhh..." Takashi moaned feeling it.

They broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes.

"Saikawa-san," Shin started but the man interrupted him

" me Takashi." He climbed over the kotatsu and landed on Shin's lap. Shin's hands found themselves on Takashi's firm ass and he squeezed Takashi's butt cheeks. Another lustful moan escaped Takashi's lips. Shin kissed Takashi's neck at first gently, getting rougher and rougher as Takashi played with his hair.

Takashi rubbed his lower body against Shin's feeling the hard bulge in the guy's trousers. Even with the hard material over his manhood, Takashi could tell that Shin was huge and a sudden feeling of needing to feel that bulge inside his ass washed over him. Takashi swallowed hard.

His lips parted and eyes dulled with passion.

The alcohol in his blood seemed to double making Takashi feel drunker than he was.

"Ahh...Shin-kun..." Takashi bit his lower lip and tilted his head to a side. The buttons on his shirt were undone giving Shin a full view of his skin. It was tempting the young man.

"Saikawa-san, I will really do it!" Shin whispered into his neighbour's ear.

Sweat appeared on Shin's forehead and was now dripping on Takashi.

"Then do it." Takashi replied pulling Shin's hair roughly. Shin did not wince feeling his manhood harden even more. Very quickly Shin pushed Takashi on the floor, undid his pants and pushed himself inside Takashi roughly. Takashi cried out in pain; Shin's size was bigger than what he was used to. Despite the initial pain, the pleasure was overwhelming. Shin continued rocking his hips into Takashi. His moans were turning the dark-haired man on.

" can you do it with someone..." he panted before he could continue. "You don't even know properly?"

Shin flipped Takashi so now the man was riding him. The look of his slim body was so erotic, Shin could not hold himself back and bit hard on Takashi's nipple.

"It's better to do it with one you don't know..." Takashi moaned kissing Shin's lips. "...than with no one and never."

With a last thrust Shin released inside Takashi. A wave of pleasure also washed over Takashi and he released right after.

He fell on Shin's chest with his eyes closed feeling exhausted.

Shin rested his hand on Takashi's head. "Yes..." he whispered. "Yes..."

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