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Here is a group of photos of the people mentioned in this chapter and pics of Zoya's tatts------------>

I woke up with a start. I looked around and noticed that I was still inside the same cabin as before. I looked back to the front of me and saw that woman. I would say I was afraid or nervous but I didn't feel anything.

"Кто вы? Где я? Как я сюда попал? Что ты сделал со мной? " (Who are you? Where am I?  How did I get here? What did you do to me?) I spoke in very fast Russian.

"Успокойся. Все ваши вопросы будут даны ответы во времени." (Calm down. All of your questions will be answered in time. ) She spoke back to me in soothing Russian. 

I nodded my head and followed her as she rose up off of the bed and into the kitchen. I sat down on the couch and watched as she began pulling out ingredients to cook something. 

When the food was done it smelled wonderful and looked like biscuits. She set the biscuit-like food in front of me and went back into the kitchen.

When she returned she brought back a jar of honey,an extra plate,and silverware. She placed these in front of me too. 

"есть." (eat.) She said. I looked at the food and picked up a spoon. I scooped up the honey onto the spoon and placed the honey covered spoon onto the plate. Afterwards I picked up my biscuit-like food and smothered it in the honey on my plate.

Then...I ate it.

"Mmmmm." I moaned the food was wonderful.

"Что это?" (What is this?) I asked. And she answered back "Это называется пресная лепешка. Это хорошо. Не так ли?" (It is called bannock. It is good. Is it not?) I looked her in the eyes          "Да, даже очень." (Yes, very much so.) ,I told her,"Может у меня есть другая?" (May I have another?)  She pushed the plate closer to me and replied with a short "конечно." (Of course.)

I placed more honey onto my plate and another bannock.

"Если вы хотите, чтобы это было так что я должен ответить на ваши вопросы." (If you wish it to be so I shall answer your questions now.) The woman said.

"Я хотел бы, что очень." (I would like that very much.)

"Now lets see what were your questions,oh remember," said the woman;now speaking English,"Okay I guess I should start with my name."  

The woman left the room and returned with a cup. She handed it to me and sat down beginning to talk. "My name is Mother otherwise known as Mother Nature." She said. I looked inside of the cup she brought me. Milk.  I drank slowly trying to preserve it for some reason.

"You asked where you were and how you got here,no?" Mother Nature (as I now knew her) asked. I answered back with a slight nod. "Well to answer those two questions you are in Nunavut. It is in Northern Canada. I was out looking for you." She said.

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