(8) What the Marshmallow?

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                                                          (8) What the Marshmallow?

 He kissed me, Lucas, Satan’s span was kissing me.  I seemed to melt for a moment, enjoying the feeling of his lips brushing mine, the sensation of another's warm lips. And for a moment, and just a moment the world stopped and angels sang. But I was quickly brought back to reality; by me slapping him. The sound of my palm coming in contact with his cheek echoed through the room, and a bright red mark was left across his face.

I spun away from him, my cheeks feeling like they had been engulfed by flames. Scarlet crept up my neck, why did he do that?

“What the marshmallow Lucas? First you hate me, and you’re trying to kill me, then you go and kiss me? What’s your problem you bipolar polar bear!” I screamed. Although my thoughts had been a bit distracted. My first kiss, he had stolen the one thing I didn’t need or want him to take from me. Well, that and my V card. But honestly, I doubt any card will get that far.

Lucas stood there, frozen in place. Like a deer in headlights. Yeah, he finally realized what he had done.

“This is your fault!” He finally spoke. My jaw dropped my fault? MY FAULT? How was it my fault? HE kissed ME. “If you hadn’t had that tempting look on your face and that attractive body this wouldn’t have happened!” He continued. Did he even realize what he was saying?

“You know what Lucas?” I said, rather calmly “Go to hell.” With that, I walked past him, purposely bumping my shoulder against his.

Slowly, I began making my way done the stairs, where I was greeted by Lucas’ Mother.

“What was with all the racket?” She asked curiously, a look of sympathy crossing her face. Ha, she felt bad for me. I felt bad for her, she was the one with an evil, sadistic, bi-polar son.

“Your son violated me,” I said, sniffing. Oh, watching all those movies really did come with a benefit. Good acting skills. “He forcefully grabbed me a-and,” I broke out into sobs “and then he kissed me. I was so scared!”

“Oh sweetie,” she said softly, pulling me into a hug. Beneath the tears and hysteric sobbing, I was laughing. Laughing like a maniac who had just killed the one man he hated, and escaped from prison the day before.

“LUCAS.” She snapped pulling away from me, then stomping up the stairs. A smug, triumphant smile pulled at my lips. Oh, he was so dead.


I left early for school, afraid to see what Lucas would say- or rather do to me when he saw me again. So for the entire day, I kept low, avoiding him at all costs necessary. Amanda was a bit confused, but eventually she went along with it. Knowing I'd fill her in with the details later.

 By the time I came home, my hands were shaking in fear. What if he kissed me again? What if he attack me? Yelled at me? As quick as a bunny, I grabbed Amanda's hand, pulling her upstairs and into our room.

 Slamming the door behind her, I sighed before locking it. Hoping he wouldn't be able to find a way to get in. With a heavy sigh, I flopped down on the bed next to Amanda; who had a curious look in her eyes.

"Lucas kissed me." I muttered, sitting up right and avoiding her gaze. I was still pissed about the whole thing, I mean who wouldn't? Some monkey getting angry at you then suddenly kissing you? Like what the marshmellow?

"WHAT?" Amanda squealed, her thoughts on this matter opposite of mine "What was it like? You kissed him back right, of course you kissed him back. Oh I'm so happy for you!" she squealed.

 I turned and glared at her as she burst out laughing. She was kidding obviously, she disliked Lucas as much as I did.

"You," laughter "Should of," giggle "Seen," snort "Your Face!" She cried, bursting into a fit of giggles. It wasn't long before I joined in too, her obnoxious laugh was contagious and obviously, this matter was a bit too silly and not to mention hilarious not to laugh about.

 It was only until we heard a knock at our door that we stopped, glancing over at each other and nodding briefly. I climbed off the bed, sliding underneath it easily as Amanda went to unlock the door.

"Hello?" He voice spoke, obviously amused with something.

"Where's Roxanna?" he gruffy voice spoke.

"Who?" Amanda played, I could see her looking at her nails innocently, pretending not to know anything of interest.

"Roxanna, as in your best friend?"

"No I think you have me confused with someone else, ROXY is my best friend. I don't know any Roxanna," she chuckled.This must've set him off, because next thing I knew, I was being dragged out from under the bed.

"I need to talk to you," he said, and without waiting for my response, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the hallway and into his room.

I crossed my arms, looking at him expectantly. "Well?" I chuckled, cocking an eyebrow at the always annoying Lucas.

 "That- thing... that happened yesterday was a mistake!" he said. Although I doubted it with all my heart, I could feel my heart sink a bit. A mistake? Great, I get my first kiss from a donkey who can't control his moods and he thinks it's a mistake. Harsh.

"What? Did you expect me to be all over you today? If you haven't noticed Lucas I'm sick and tired of you, just stop talking to me already!" I cried, not knowing how much my life would change after those words.


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