(17) Rainbow Barf

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(17) Rainbow Barf

The next few days were completely and utterly uneventful. My life slowly reverted back to it's dull self, Amanda still her usually cheerful self, Serah still her adorable self and my Mother still her loving self. But Lucas seemed different, distant, more cautious. It made me wonder what was really going on in his head, and exactly why had stopped being friendly with me. 

However, life wasn't always dull. School had picked up and Amanda and I were always off on wild adventures.

"Run for your lives! It's Barbiezilla!" I screamed, scrambling down the hallway with Amanda hot on my heels, some people gave me weird looks, others looked frightened and some just looked plain unaffected by any of my warnings. The monster's heels clicked behind us, a scowl twisting her pretty little face as she sneered at us. 

"My eyes! Oh god, I can't see! I looked into her eyes and now I can't see! I'M BLIND! Amanda, Amanda, where are you?" I cried, stumbling onto the floor as I made eye contact with the blond Godzilla. People snickered at this, which only seemed to make Miss Destroy Anything in my Path - including two girls who only wanted to know if her nose was real or not.

"Shut up already. It's obvious no one is amused by you." She sneered, placing her hands on her hips as she glared down at me. Everyone shut up at that moment, a circle forming around us.

Eyes wandering to look for Amanda, I easily found her. And there she was, standing on the sidelines and looking at me with wide, frantic eyes - like a little bunny rabbit in front of a car. Snickering, I cocked my head as I looked back to Penny. Then letting out a bark of laughter, I stood up, brushing the dust off of myself. 

"So, Penny, why'd you get offended when we asked you if your nose was real? If it was, why would you have any reason to be angry and chase me around the school like King - sorry, Queen Kong." I smiled sweetly, loving to see her beat red face, fuming with anger. 

Penny let out a loud scream, stomping her foot on the ground. It was funny how people could beat her so easily. I hadn't even said anything yet, nothing interesting at least.

"Because! Because you questioned it, you buffoon. Besides, you're just jealous my nose is so perfect. At least mine isn't the size of the Empire State Tower or whatever." She sneered, raising her nose at me. I let out another bark of laughter, earning myself an even icier glare. 

"Okay then, Penny. I gotta go, since I really don't want to see you breathing fire. So, bye!" And with that the chase began again. But it didn't seem to last long, as five minutes into the chase I ran right into a small figure. The figure fell back, opposite of me. Almost like a belly bump, or whatever they were called. 

"Ouchie!" They called, a small voice projecting out of the figure. Looking up, I rubbed my head, muttering profanities. I didn't want Penny to catch up to me. My eyes seemed to notice one thing about this girl in front of me, that her hair was like rainbow barf! Different colored highlights were everywhere, her original hair color barely - if not even noticeable. 

"I'm sorry! I'm Roxy. I'd love to talk to you, but I really have to run. Godzilla is after me!" I stood up, running again. But before I could get out of hearing range, I heard a faint "I'm Minnie!" 

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