Chapter 15

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Ethan's P.O.V

I stared at the ticking clock, his scent and the lingering sensation of his touch slowly fading away. They always say it's like that at the beginning of a relationship, always wanting to be with the person, always needing their touch, their presence, their love. You're in a lovey dovey mode, when you're with them, in your own little universe where only they matter; however, with Connor, it's always like that, it never fades away, it's always so strong, so pure. I really am in love with him. He's the only one that I want.

Minutes passed slowly, only being halfway through the class, Mr.Fritz talking slowly in a monotone voice, students here and there falling asleep or were asleep, some drawing, reading or texting. I looked over to Jacob's spot, it was vacant. I had seen him earlier and he was never the type to miss biology, or any class for a fact. Just as I finished thinking about him, Jacob walked in. Girls straighten themselves up and shot him a smile. I on the other hand stared at the soft redness left in his eyes, had he been crying? He glanced over in my direction our gazes meeting each others, as quickly as I could I looked away, guilt riling me. It's not that I regret rejecting him, I just feel really bad, I guess he really liked me... I turned my head to the door seeing Nick come in as well, his face was red, his button down shirt messy, his tie undone slightly. He glanced towards Jacob and sat down.
"boys, may I know why you're late?" Mr.Fritz asked. "We were at the principal's office" "Alright then I guess." he turned around and carried on, not asking further questions. Jacob and Nick were glancing at each other, and each time the would catch the other, they'd look down and blush bright red. What was happening.
"Mr Gold, Am I not interesting enough for you?" I blushed and looked down to my desk table.
"I'm sorry sir" I apologized. he cleared his throat "anyways," He carried on saying something as my mind wandered to Connor again.

The bell rang, snapping me out of my daydream. I picked up my stuff slowly, as usual to let everybody out before me, glancing one last time at Jacob that was now walking towards Nick.
Nick glanced up and smiled brightly; I don't think I've ever seen Nick this happy or even smile. He's always had the case of resting bitch face and just never smiled. Jacob was shyly smiling and blushing, as Nick motioned him to come closer. He whispered something in Jacob's ear, causing him to giggle softly. Nick took Jacob's hand secretly but I could see through it, not in like a casual way, but the way people usually take hands when they're in love or in a relationship. I hurried out of the classroom, but looked back discreetly. what I saw, shouldn't have shocked me, but it did. Nick had his arms around Jacob's neck and Jacob's hands were on Nicks sides, their lips pressed against each other. They were kissing passionately; I should have known, their secretive looks, their soft smiles given to each other. I turned around and headed to my locker, I'm happy for them. At least Jacob will leave me alone.
I saw Connor leaning against my locker, looking at his phone, looking around occasionally, and as he saw me he smiled brightly and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "hello you" we said in unison, giggling vividly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his, slowly pressing them harder, our kiss growing passionate.
"Someone missed me" he said teasingly as we pulled away for air. "of course, you're the only thing I've been thinking about all day. I didn't listen to a thing Mr. Fritz said." He frowned and lifted me off my feet. "that's not good, you need to listen baby" He giggled and put me down, as we parted and intertwine our fingers walking to Landon who leaned against his locker.

As we got closer I could feel the menacing aura Landon emitted, he was fighting with his girlfriend again, I could tell because he only was like that when they were fighting.

"Hey Landon, fighting with Hailey again?" I asked him cautiously. He simply nodded, his hands balling into fists. He let a low growl like sound, his jaw tightening before he relaxed his hands, bringing them up to his face, rubbing his temples. His eyes closed as he let out a loud sigh. 

"She's been dressing very revealing lately and putting like an inch of make-up on her face, acting differently. I know I wouldn't mind usually but she's been texting some guys. " He explained, his face turning in our direction. We quickly heard some laughs coming our way.

"Look it's the faggot club!" Dan shouted, this time walking right up to me and Connor and shoving us against the lockers, snickering. He was quite huge compared to us, even if we tried to fight back he would crush us. He pinned Connor against the locker my entire body shaking in fear. It didn't get physical often, but when it did, it always frightened me. I could see tears coming into Connor's eyes, fear oozing out of his every pore. Dan raised his fist, but before he could swing I heard Landon's loud  voice resonate.

"Don't you dare lay a single finger on him. Let him go." Landon matched Dan's size and height, his person now pressed against Dan, pushing him off Connor, Dan's let go of Connor and stumbled backwards, anger growing in his eyes.

"Oh you're a fag now huh Landon? I mean after hanging out with them for so long it must of rubbed off on you. Fucking Disgusting." He spat, throwing a punch towards him, Landon ducking the punch but catching another in the side of the face, not being quick enough. I could see his blood boil, before anything else, Landon tackled Dan to the ground, straddling him so he wouldn't escape, throwing two, three, four punches, before Dan took a hold of him, turning them around, now Landon taking the punches. Connor left to get a teacher, as the two boys fought, growls, groans and curses leaving their mouths. Mr. Noye and Mr. Duval arrived, pulling the two off of each other. They tugged trying to hit the other again.

"Hope you fucking kill yourself you little fag!" Dan shouted, spitting towards Landon. 

"I'd rather not give bigoted assholes like you the pleasure!" Landon replied, disgust in his face. They were separated and brought away from the scene. I wrapped my arms around Connor and pulled him close, nesting my head against his shoulder. He was still shaking slightly. 

"I'm sorry babe, I wish I would do a better job at protecting you." 

"It's not your fault honey, I wouldn't have been able to do anything either. Let's go see Landon?" I nodded and laced my fingers with his, walking towards the nurses office. 

A/N:  thank you for reading <3 if you enjoyed please comment and vote <3 Thank you so much :3

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