Chapter 10-30 Ways To Piss Off Clara

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(A lot of you have been asking me to write out how to piss off Clara and it is the most awkwardly heart-warming thing in my pointless space and time vortex of a life at the moment.)

1.) Ask how she feels about being the only companion that the TARDIS doesn't like

2.) Tell her that the TARDIS would rather go to a drag race then travel with Clara

3.) Spray Clara's armpits with Febreez and tell her that it was desperately needed

4.) Continually tell her that The Doctor will never love her like the way he loved Amy

5.) Talk about all the other ladies The Doctor brought aboard the TARDIS

6.) Tell her that sooner-or-later The Doctor is never going to return to her as he did with Amy and Rory

7.) Tell her how he just let Amy and Rory die

8.) Cry about how much he truly loved Amy

9.) Curl up in a ball and cry about how many fun adventures The Doctor, Rory, The TARDIS, River, and Amy had together

10.) Complain that she will never be like Amy

11.) Tell her that the only reason that The Doctor is letting her travel with him is because he doesn't understand how she keeps living, and when he does he will soon get bored of her and swap her for a new companion

12.) Might as well hang posters of Amy and Rory in the TARDIS

13.) Ship Amy and Rory

14.) Dye her hair red and make her talk in a Scottish accent in hopes of recreating Amy

15.) When she gets mad at you grow a straight face and say: "The Doctor would not approve."

16.) Discus what a disappointment her stay with The Doctor has been

17.) Leave her on a different planet

18.) Leave her on Skaro

19.) Don't rescue her if she is in trouble, it is her fault that she got herself in that situation

20.) Team up with the TARDIS and lock her out to the point where the TARDIS doors get stuck from being held so tightly together

21.) Disguise the TARDIS and when she asks where it is point in a totally different direction

22.) Tell her all about how The Doctor left Rose in a different dimension to never see her again

23.) Tell her how Donna can never remember anything about The Doctor or else she will burn to death

24.) Tell her how everyone that knows The Doctor ends up having a brutal death or never being able to see him again

25.) Help the TARDIS kick her out

26.) Convince The Doctor that him being exposed to women so much is making River upset so he should leave Clara alone and travel with Captain Jack for awhile

27.) Tell Clara that The Doctor never liked her

28.) Explain to Clara that no matter how hard she tries, The Doctor will end up leaving in the end

29.) Tell Clara to grow-up as The Doctor likes working with a professional

30.) Tell Clara that occasionally asking The Doctor about his home planet makes him happy 

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