Chapter 5-30 Ways To Piss Off Cybermen

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(A/N: I was playing the Doctor Who computer game {Doctor Who The Adventure Games Episode Two-Blood Of The Cyberman} and I got really freaked out. So I've decided that if Daleks try and take over the world I will help save people, but if it's the Cyberman, fuck it All Hail Cyberman. So, me getting angry at the game, here is how to piss them off.)

1.) throw them in the garbage disposal

2.) don't un-bury them once they are under the ice

3.) Cyberman are only programed to either delete or convert others, so don't follow in their footsteps

4.) shove a metal detector in their face

5.) spray paint them gold and then call them C3PO

6.) put a cybermat on a leash and walk around the park

7.) while they are distracted draw a mustache on them

8.) paint a bikini on them

9.) go cliff diving with them

10.) throw a bucket of water on them

11.) when they are telling 'delete delete' tell them that you don't speak English and ask them to say it in a different language and continue this process until they give up

12.) tell them that they should have a doctor look at their leg lag.

13.) buy the Cyberman McDonald's

14.) ask them if they are in a heavy metal band

15.) make them watch Romeo and Juliet and when it's over ask them if they have feelings yet

16.) melt them

17.) take the melted Cyberman and make it into jewelry

18.) paint unicorns on them

19.) tell them to 'bite me alien boy'

20.) sign them up to teach kindergarten

21.) give them a toy robot and say 'I have found your child'

22.) use their body parts to repair the TARDIS

23.) dent them

24.) name them Roshandala

25.) give them a booster shot

26.) make them wear a pink frilly tu-tu

27.) turn them into a lady

28.) ask if they want any beer

29.) sneak a shot of tequila in their oil (I'm assuming they drink oil)

30.) make them play patty-cake with you

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