Chapter #13| Leon/ Sudden attack

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Three months since Fernando been living at the club house, my men are getting use to seeing him by my side. Kathy mentioned making him my ol'lady but not sure if that's what I want to make him my own for life. He'll wear my symbol along with a vest that only matches mine, everyone inside and outside of the club will know who he belongs to and that's a big step to take.

I smoke my cigarette outside my bedroom, curtains wide open showing Fernando's naked form sleeping through the day. I f*ck the twink every opportunity I get, this is unusual for me to behave, I never act like this and my men know it. Fernando makes me feel again that I thought I'll never experienced again. I always tell him I am a heartless man and it's true but he seems to have his doubts asking questions that I to question myself.

With the drugs finally in my possession I'll begin selling them through online black market stores, with Leon constantly becoming a threat. I drift into deep thought remembering the day Simon betrayed Leon, the lies he fed to Leon turned him into a different person. I lost my brother that day, his so called lover filled his mind with lies and the lies he believes it's true destroying our brotherly relationship and now we're nothing but enemies. Simon didn't love Leon, having several affairs with his own closest friends darkens his heart. Leon forgets how to love, he doesn't trust anyone but himself. The false lie Simon fed to my brother stating I raped him making Simon fall pregnant, as usual Leon believed his lies demanding answers when I try to speak the truth.

It never liked the b*tch from the beginning, I knew his intentions but I didn't have enough proof to show Leon what kind of man Simon is. After the betrayal my men later discovered the affairs but also the deal Simon made to kill Leon to gain his possessions. Money, drugs, weapons and power Simon wanted and he did do anything to get it. What made Leon hated me the most is killing his lover, shooting him in the head before he could succeed killing Leon. A gun laying beside Simon's dead body was proof to show Leon he isn't what he seems. Love blinded him, he sadly loved Simon but he didn't feel the same, proof shown to him but he can only believe in his dead lovers lie.

Suddenly in the corner of my eye I see a black van drive up to the club house, I soon knock back to reality until the sound of gun fire alerted myself and my men. I cursed and try to run inside to get Fernando but I yelled in pain.

"F*ck!" I roared. I looked down seeing two bullet wounds on my thigh, I groan in pain and force myself inside. Blood splattered everywhere along with a few dead bodies, who could it be this time, is it those men after Fernando? or could it be Leon?

"Andy take our ol'ladies inside the safe room, now!" I ordered

"Already on it Sin, K-Kathy's been shot and I'm not sure how she is" he replies. I hugged him tight trying to calm him down.

"She'll be okay, they'll treat her wound now lets kill those f*ckers" I said

"Go to the safe room Sin, your injured" said Andy

"No, I am fine nothing I can handle now go" I replied. I took cover again seeing bullets shatter the glass, I limp down the hall and pushed my door open. I began to panic not seeing Fernando in the room, glass shattered everywhere along with bullet holes on the bed.

"Fernando!" I yelled.

"B-Bathroom!" he replied. I rush towards the bathroom, my eyes widen in rage seeing a bullet wound on his shoulder. Blood all over the tiles and he looked weak, still naked and covered in his own blood, I quickly treat his own putting pressure upon it ignoring my own.

"Hold on tight, I'll get you some clothes" I said.

"I-It hurts" he whimpers. I return with some clothes and softly kiss his lips, I bandage his wound and helped him dress.

"I know baby, just stay strong" I replied. I quickly wiped the tile floor clean then gently lay him down, I used a towel as a pillow. It's to dangerous to take him out considering we're both injured, I stepped out of the bathroom and peaked out the window. Sounds of gun fire echo through the club house, Andy shoot three men dead while the rest ran back to the black van. No license plate on the car and I manage to see a leather vest saying Knight Kings MC.

The van drove away, I carried Fernando and he looked pale. He lost a lot of blood and he needed medical attention pronto. Andy already called the ambulance and I know for sure Officer Jones will be at the scene. I lost a few of my good men today, I will avenge their deaths and Leon will pay for this.

F E R N A N D O 

I woken up by the sound of machines beeping in the back ground, I opened my heavy eye lids revealing a white room. I groaned feeling so tried and very sore, I looked around blinking to adjust my vision.

"Finally you're awake" said Mikey.

"W-Where am I?" I asked

"Your in the hospital" he replied. I tried to sit up but I whimper in pain instead, Mikey gently push me down.

"Don't move, doctors says you need to rest in order to recover" he said. I gasped remembering what happened, the gun fire, people screaming in pain and then Sin. Sin! I looked around hoping to see Sin but he wasn't in the room.

"Sin, where is he?" I asked

"H-He's in surgery, he got shot on his thigh and he lost a lot of blood" Mikey replies. Suddenly I saw Xander rush into the hospital room carrying Abby while Vettorio carried Elena,  I smiled seeing Julian as Luca gently placed him on my bed.

"Uncle!" he says

"I'm so glad you're okay" said Xander

"You gave us a scare" said Matteo. I then explained what happened, I didn't get a chance to see who it was but Sin did and it wasn't Nathan this time. I didn't know much about Sin's brother, Sin rarely talks about him. But what he told me, they both don't get along and have their own biker gang. Xander wanted me to live back with them but I declined, I didn't want them involved and the more they visit me the more they'll use them against me. I pleaded them to lessen their visit for their own safety, I assured them I am safe with Sin but they still don't trust him.

I barely know of his past, I wanted to know why he calls himself heartless, who made him that way? I needed to know what happened to him. Soon they went home agreeing with my terms, for their own safety and safety of their children they need to back off. Kathy visited me hours later, she came in a wheel chair and her leg was bandaged up. Andy glued to her side and his gaze never left her. She explained what happened in her point of view, Officer Jones came to the scene and investigating it further. I am happy Mikey isn't injured but worried about Stone as he used his own body to shield Mikey who was in line of gun fire.

Doctors says Stone died on operating table two times but they bought him back to life, his wounds were life threatening giving him small percentage of surviving but Stone is a strong man beating the odds and surprising doctors of his slow recovery. Many died that day, I wouldn't imagine what everyone is going through losing their loved ones. Andy updated about Sin's surgery and after two hours later he's finally next to me sleeping.

I am confused how I feel, just knowing I could of lost Sin that day or even at the club I realise how much he means to me. I wanted him close no matter how dangerous of a man he can be, I still feel safe in his arms.

Losing him scares me.

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