Chapter #1| New start?

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"You know the risk of quitting the mafia, right?" asked Luca. I sighed and finish packing my bag, I held my luggage and put it in my car.

"I know very well but it's about time I live my life in peace" I replied

"You're always welcome to live with us" he said

"Thank you but it's time I live on my own and you know have a new start" I replied. I walk back inside and say goodbye to everyone, I am not leaving for good and I will visit time to time.

"Call me when you arrive" said Xander as he held Abby, after the birth of the twins Xander decided to name one of his twins Abby. It was emotional seeing Abele cry and happy he called his daughter Abby, it took him a while to accept the fact she's gone. On her birthday we celebrate together remembering Abby in joy.

"I will, let me know when you want me to baby sit" I replied. Xander nodded and kiss my cheek, I gave Abby and Elena a kiss then hug Julian. I wave goodbye to everyone else and soon I am on my way to my new apartment in Brisbane.

"Hey boss, all the furniture are already inside" said Mikey

"Mike I am not your boss anymore, I quit remember" I replied. He chuckled.

"I know it's just weird saying your name" he said

"Well now that we're living together it's about time you get use to saying my name and not boss" I replied

"Did you find a job yet?" Mikey asked. I sighed.

"I have enough savings to get me through but I am still looking, I cannot stand sitting and doing nothing I need to do something" I replied


After looking for different job ads I found one I am happy to apply, I emailed my resume and cover letter hoping they'll contact me back. I have a few years experience working in a bar, well back in high school when I used fake I.D's. Mikey also found a job working in a men's clothing store, it's weird seeing him fold clothes or help customers when he's a trained assassin to kill people but they don't need to know that.

"Fernando! someone from that bar you applied for is one the phone, he wants to talk to you" said Mikey. I drop my bowl of popcorn, I quickly paused The 100 and grab the phone from Mikey, I quickly told him to not watch the series without me.

"Hello this is Fernando" I said

"Good afternoon Fernando, my name is Roger and I received your cover letter and resume yesterday, it says here you have three years experience working in the bar. Working in Mercury is a tough job, so I would like to hear from you why you'd like to apply for this position" said Roger

"Working in any bar is what I like to do, I get to meet new people everyday and even know regulars. I am a quick learner and ready to learn anything new if needed. I understand Mercury is a popular bar in Brisbane, I've done my research and I believe I'll be perfect for this job" I replied. I mentally cursed not liking my response, I should of known they'll ask for this and didn't prepare it but there's no turning back now.

"Interesting, it's not the response I expected but it's good enough for me. You'll start Monday night at 9 PM, I'll be needing a photo copy of your tax file number when you arrive" said Roger

"Thank you and yes I'll have it ready" I replied. Roger says goodbye, I put the phone down the squealed, I finally have a normal job. It's been so long since I've last worked in a bar, I hope I remember how to mix drinks but Roger doesn't need to know that. Monday come by so quick, I get ready as Roger texted me the dress code and the address to their private car park that's not far from Mercury.

"I'm leaving" I yelled

"Have fun!" Mikey replied. I enter the address in my GPS, the drive wasn't long but I began to worry but the GPS is taking me to an industrial neighbourhood.  I parked my car in the private car park for employees only, I walked around the block as I saw lots of motorcycles park around. I don't understand why I am feeling nervous, this is nothing and I've dealt with worse situation so this should go down well.

I gave the security guards my name, one lead me inside the bar or should I say club, the first thing I see and a group orgy screwing one women and a man. My eyes widen in shock as I blushed in response and looked away, the security guard smirked at my reaction. Why the hell am I acting like this, get it together Fernando!

"He's here boss" he says

"Enter" someone replied. I opened the door revealing a handsome middle aged man, I blushed again seeing him sitting on the couch as a naked twink sucking on his erection. I looked at his face other than the man sucking him.

"I-I um .. " I stuttered

"This is Ruby, he's in charge of the bar, whatever he says you listen okay. He'll show you around first then you'll get started. Tonight is going to be rough, don't screw this up, I needed an extra hand so better do your job right" he replied

"I am Roger by the way, don't forget it" he says. Roger groaned then threw his head back, I heard choking coming from Ruby.

"S*ck it b*tch" Roger groaned. Oh goodness what have I gotten myself into, I looked away not sure whether I should leave or stay, I decided to leave until Roger told me to wait.

"Hurry up and get changed, your break is over, you're in charge of showing Fernando around then it's back to work" said Roger.

"S-Sir you didn't f*ck me yet" Ruby whined

"Shut up, you didn't earn my c*ck so get the f*ck out of my sight" Roger yelled. Ruby sighed and walked out of the room.

"Oh yeah, Fernando" said Roger. I stopped and turned around.

"Welcome to Mercury" he says. I blushed and dashed away from his office managing to heard his laugh as the office door slam shut.

What kind of place is this?

Block B (ManxMan|MC|Mpreg) - BLOCK SERIES - BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now