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Dan's POV

"Stop!" I yelled out at my uncle. He didn't though. He continued to beat me.

So immature.

I'm starting to think he does it to me because he's angry with himself. It's been a week since that stupid dream about Phil and I've only seen the guy once.

Maybe it was my imagination.

I had stopped eating. My stomach poked out enough. After one final kick to my ribs, my uncle wobbled off.


I stood up slowly.

I can't take it anymore. I should do it for real this time. Something that I know won't fail. No one would care. Not my Uncle Ruck that's for sure and I have no one else.

To whomever finds this letter,

Hi. My name is...Dan. Anyways, I've jumped off the bridge. I don't know how long it took for someone to find the paper, but I may already be dead, and that's fine. I did it for my own personal reasons. I don't know why I even wrote this note, but yeah.

Dan H.

After writing the short note I left the hell house.


I stood on top of the ledge of the bridge. Only a few people were around, too many on their phone to notice. I had pinned the paper down with a rock.

The bridge was high enough. If I was lucky it would kill me instantly, I really didn't need anymore pain.

"Hey kid! What are you doing?" A voice called out.

"There's a note." I said before stepping off and falling down.

It's what I wanted right? So why am I so scared?

I closed my eyes. Touching the cold water.

Phil's POV

Is that kid insane? I picked up the 'note' and read over it.


I took off running faster than I ever had in my life. I ran to the bank of the river, stripping quickly.

I waded in. Going under for any search of the kid.


I took another breath and dove under, a shimmer catching my eye. I swam for it and sure enough it was the boy. I grabbed his arm tugging him harshly and pulling him to the surface.

"You're going to have one hell of a headache kid." I mumbled pulling us ashore.

I put on my clothes and bridal carried him back to my house.

You don't even want to hear about the looks I got.


I heard a groan, meaning the boy must have just woken up.

I stood up from my bed and walked out to the living room where he was now sitting up on the couch.

"You. Why did you save me?" He asked. His chocolatey eyes looking around frantically.

"Well someone had to..." I reasoned.

"No. No one was supposed to don't you get it? I was supposed go die Phil." The boy said.

"How'd you know my name?" I asked.

"Uh. You spilled your coffee on me a few days ago." He mumbled.

Oh. Okay then.

"Do you want some dry clothes?" I offered.

"No. I need to get home." He said standing up, swaying slightly.

"Home?" I asked.

"Yeah home. Where I live." He said like I was stupid.

Well the question was kind of stupid.

"Yeah. I'll take you." I said grabbing my keys.

"No. I can walk." He said brushing past me.

"I don't want you walking out in the dark. How old are you anyway?" I said.

"18. Practically an adult so kindly fuck off alright. I said I can walk." He said, obviously annoyed.

"It's dangerous. You could get mugged or like shot or something." I told him.

"Good." He muttered walking out the door.

Well someone needs an attitude check. I couldn't let the kid die after I had clearly talked to him right before he did it.

"Hey. Wait!" I called after him running outside as well.

"I'll walk with you." I said reaching his side.

"What's it to you? I mean...you don't even know me." He said.

"You don't know me either." I mumbled.

"I know enough. I know your name is Phil Lester. I know you love video games. You took a year off from Uni. You call your Grams almost every night..."The boy said trailing off.

Uhm. Weird.

"How in the heck did you know all that?" I asked.

"If I told you. You wouldn't believe me." He said keeping his head down.

"Well since you know all that it had to be something factual right?" I offered.

"Yeah because a dream is factual." He said kicking a rock while we walked.

A dream? He knew all that from a dream? Sureeeeeee.

"Okay...fine then. Tell me about you." I said.

"My names Dan. I live with my Uncle. I'm 18. That's pretty much all you could know about me." He said, his voice low.

"Music interest? Hobbies?" I pushed.

"Just...bug off alright." He snapped.

"Look kid. Sorry if I bursted your bubble, but what had you all worked up today that you thought taking your life was the best option?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.

"I'll tell you this because I don't plan on seeing you again. My uncle beats me. Yeah. Has for 7 years...ever since my aunt died from cancer. I have no one. Just him and he sure as hell doesn't care. So it's just me against the world and it's lonely Phil. So excuse me for being a problem today, and I just wanted to thank you sooooo much for saving me!" He said storming off.

I chased after him.

"Hey. Hey Dan! Stop. You're 18. Move out. You can leave him. Don't stay there and take it!" I said grabbing his arm.

"I have no where to go!" He boomed, making me shrink back.

"Maybe. Maybe. Come stay with me. For a little or...or something. I can't send you back knowing you could get hurt!" I said.

"Why...why would you want me to stay with you? You don't know me for Christ's sake!" He said.

I smirked.

"Your name is Dan. You live with your uncle. Your 18. You said that's pretty much all I could know about you....so yeah. I do know you." I said sending him a smile.

"I hate you already." He muttered.


Okay. So I have kind of messed up. Since in the dream he was living with Phil, all those ideas of him staying like the cuddles, movies, cooking, and sleeping in the same bed was used then.

So do I have them do that again or make new ideas?????

~Cat xx

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