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Dan's POV

It was Monday. I had been staying at Phil's for, going on, 4 days. He was a pretty cool guy.

Always checking up on me, but usually reading. He was an alright cook as well. We didn't know each other that well, but we weren't complete strangers.

I knew that he loved music and video games. Like myself. I had also learned that he wanted to go to Uni, but he had decided to take a year break, which turned into him inheriting a book store so he just decided to work there.

Phil, as I have also learned, is a pretty clumsy guy. He's tripped over his own feet, ran into a few things.

Phil was also a bubbly person. Usually always excited and happy. Unlike me, but with the random conversations with Phil taking place most days at his house, and the work at the book store, I didn't have the time to pull myself down. I found myself laughing at Phil's jokes and smiling at his awkwardly stupid moments and suggestions.

I think the only reason I was so sad, depressed even, was because I was lonely. I was so alone, and had no one to talk to or tell my day to about.

I still have no one to tell my day about seeing as I live with Phil at the moment and go to work with him to work as well, he basically already knows how my day goes.

I'm surprised he hasn't gotten tired of me. I'm literally almost everywhere he is, but I'm glad he hasn't kicked me out yet.

"Dan!" I heard Phil call out.

I stood up from the bed in the room I've been staying in and made my way to where Phil's voice was.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Wanna go somewhere today?" He asked.

"Like where?" I asked confused.

"Somewhere...fun?" He said, his smile faltering a bit.

"Yeah! Yeah let's go." I said sending him a wide smile.

The smile was instantly back on his face and he was scurrying around the kitchen.

"Hmm." He said closing the last cabinet.

"We need to go to the store sometime. Nothing good for breakfast here. Want some cereal?" He said.

I nodded and grabbed each of us a bowl down. I set them on the table and he poured the cereal while I got the milk out.

I poured the milk over the cereal as he got out two spoons.

"Teamwork!" He said laughing as he handed me a spoon.

"Teamwork." I said a small trace of a smile on my face.


"Where are we?" I asked.

"At a fun place." Phil said smiling.

He walked up to the booth and paid for something. After that he walked back and we walked into the theatre.

"What are we seeing Phil?" I asked.

"Uhm. One of the Star Wars movies." He said smiling.

"Cool!" I said following him.

We walked into the place where that movie would be playing and took a seat. We waited and waited and then finally the movie began playing.

That's when it happened.

Phil started talking and talking, gradually getting louder and louder.

"Phil what are you doing?" I whispered.

"Just wait. It's funny. I do it all the time." He said.

He then began talking loudly about random things, people turning and shushing him. That's when a large security man walked over to us.

"Well well well. Hello Mr. Lester! I see you're still up to your same antics, but this time you seem to have brought a friend." He said.

Phil then began making noises like a dying walrus.

"Sir. I'm going to have to ask you and your friend to leave." The man said pointing.

"Sir. I'm going to have to ask you and your friend to leave." Phil mocked.

I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Now Phillip!" The man boomed.

Phil slowly stood up so I did as well. The security man picked us both up.

Uhm well damn. What is even happening? I know how to walk.

He carried us out of the theatre and set us down pushing us along the way.

"Thanks for the glamorous escort Hank!" Phil called after the guy.

"Its Han! Not Hank..." The man called out.

Phil shrugged and I started bursting out laughing.

"What in the hell was all that about?" I asked between laughs.

"It's just fun. I don't even know why I do it, but I do it a lot." Phil replied and began walking to his car.

I followed him quickly and tried to cease my laughter.

"It's not that funny." Phil said smiling.

"The way you mocked him though!" I said laughing.

Phil turned to me, sending me a beautiful crooked smile.

Beautiful. His smile I mean. Not him. His smile. Smiles are beautiful.

I thought.

"Dan? Coming?" Phil called from the car.

I quickly ran towards it, getting in.

I looked down at the clothes I was wearing. The same pair of jeans and same shirt that I had to wash every night.

"So Dan. When do you think you'll be able to move out on your own?" Phil asked suddenly.

That's it. He wants me gone. I've stayed longer than welcome. I should of known he would get tired of me soon. He wants me gone. That's the real thing he's trying to stay.

"I can leave if you want. If that's what you're implying. I don't mean to intrude on your life like this. I really can leave whenever. I can get a job and all. I'm perfectly capable. If you want me gone I'll leave." I said turning to look at him seriously.

"No. No." Phil said.

"No what? I mean I'm sure you want me out. I've been using up your electricity, your water, I've been eating your food and using your laundry detergent. I don't mean to be a handful. I'm sorry. I can leave by tonight if you'd like." I said quickly.

"No. No Dan, it's nothing like that. You don't have to leave anytime soon. I was only asking because..." Phil started pausing.

"Because?" I asked, scared.

"Well. Because I'd rather you stay. You're still kind of a kid and all. Life's scary and it can sometimes feel like too much if you jump into it too soon." Phil said, his voice soft.

"Oh. Uhm. Oh." I said, relaxing.

He's okay with me staying. He prefers I stay. That's good...right?


Hello. It's the author. Do you guys like this story so far?

Love you all

~Cat xx

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