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Phil's POV

I woke up and looked over to the nightstand. There was a piece of paper there and I picked it up.

Don't know what time you'll wake up, but don't forget to take your medicine. God...I sound like a parent. Anyways, leftovers are in the fridge or you can make whatever. Call me if you need anything.

I smiled and set the paper down. Phil had done the honors of putting my medicine on the bedside table already.

After taking my medicine I got up and wobbled down the hallway to the living room. I plopped myself down on the couch, which hurt a lot. I turned on the tv, putting on some movie that was running today.

I barely watched the movie. Mostly I was just thinking. About Phil, of course, as well as my past and childhood stuff.

There's a lot I'm not telling Phil, but I mean why would he need to know anyways?

I let out a small sigh and closed my eyes. Sleeping makes time go by faster.


It was dark when I woke up.

"Phil?" I called out. I checked his room and the bathroom. He wasn't there.

I pulled out my phone.

The shop closed over an hour ago.

I decided to call Phil. He didn't answer. So I tried again and again and again.

Each time I got that stupid messaged tone woman.

He's fine. Maybe had car trouble again.

I thought trying to calm myself down. Why am I worrying so much? I mean it's not like we're dating and I need to know every aspect of his life.

You wish though

I shook my head and Sat back down on the couch. I decided I would stay up until Phil got here. Hopefully it wouldn't be that long.


Apparently I fell asleep at some point because I woke up at 10 am.

I looked around.

"Phil?" The house was silent.

After checking I knew he still wasn't here. I called again. Nothing.

Okay, now I'm worrying. A lot...

I closed my eyes.

Did he ever say where he was going in the note?

He didn't. I just assumed he was working since neither of us had been in a while.

My phone went off and I answered it.

"Dan! Oh my god. I am so sorry. You're probably either worried or pissed. I'm going to go with both, but anyways. The reason I didn't come home last night is because my grams had called me and she was having some financial troubles and well. I hope you don't mind old women." Phil said.

"As long as they don't pinch my cheeks then they're fine. Why?" I asked.

"Well. My grams is coming to stay with us." Phil said.

"Oh. Phil. Maybe I should go. You know...like try to get a place-" I started.

"No! Jesus Dan you have a broken foot, broken ribs, and I'm not sending you out on your own. Don't worry about it. We'll talk with my grams when we get there." Phil said sternly.

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