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Phil's POV

I woke up to the sound of a scream. A scream.

I bolted out of bed, following the sound...which led me to the spare room Daniel had been staying in for the past week.

"Daniel! I mean Dan, are you okay?" I asked through the door. All I heard were whimpers and another yell.

I twisted the handle. Locked.

Dang it Dan!!

I thought angrily. I pushed on the door, and pushed again and again until it gave way. I forgot about the ache in my shoulder and looked around for a man with a gun. A robber, a psycho, a delinquent. Something or someone that would have made Dan scream, but there was no one.

No one was there. Just Dan, and he was asleep.

Another whimper brought me to my senses and I walked over to him crouching down.

"Dan?" I said softly. He shifted, beads of sweat on his forehead and his eyes clenched. He let put another whimper.

I shook him until he woke up, his eyes fluttering open and meeting mine.

"Dan! Are you okay? You were screaming and whimpering
and-" I started, but was cut off by him wrapping his arms around me.

"Dan-" I started.

"No. Shh. Please don't ask. The only thing I can say is-is that you were in it." He whispers against my chest.

"Did I- did I hurt you?" I asked rubbing circles onto his back.

"Shhh. Don't ask me Phil. Don't." Dan said gripping me tighter.

I nodded and pulled him closer to me.

"You're okay." I said pulling away and going to walk away. Dan whispered once more before I was put the door and back in my room, laying down.

I rolled over closing my eyes when I heard my door creak open.

"Phil?" Dan whispered.

"Yeah?" I said back.

"I'm s-scared. Could I maybe, just you know. Lay with you. Just for tonight. Not in a weird way or
a-anything." Dan said quickly.

I smiled to myself and rolled over. I scooted over and held the covers up. He walked over and climbed under the blankets.

I didn't know if we should just stay how we were or if he needed to like cuddle for comfort. Dan didn't seem to move so I closed my eyes. Probably like 12 minutes passed before I felt a hand around my wrist.

I felt Dan lift my arm up slightly and wrap it around his torso. I smiled but continued to seem as if I was asleep. I dropped my other arm down onto the pillow that his head was on. He scooted up to where his head was resting on that arm. My other arm was still draped loosely around him.

Dan then scooted back. His clothed back making contact with my bare chest. Dan's legs touched mine. His own bum resting up against man's gift from god.

He then moved up again, sending a shoot of pleasure through my veins.

Oh my god he's gonna kill me. Think of grams. It's your own grams rubbing up against you. Not Dan. Your grams.

Dan shifted again slightly and I saw this as my chance. I let out a groan and then tried my best to act like I had just woken up.

"Dan. What are you doing?" I asked.

"Sorry." Dan said, sounding embarrassed.

"It's fine." I said pulling him closer. My arm wrapping around him tightly.

I rested my head in the crook of his neck and, not knowing what was getting into me, placed a kiss to his neck.

What even was that?????????

I let out a deep breath and just held him close to me. His heart was beating a million miles a minute. He must be still scared over that dream.

It doesn't make me feel any better that I was in it and he was screaming in it and whimpering.

Obviously not out of pleasure.

PHIL! What has gotten into you? Get a hold of yourself mister!!

I closed my eyes, still holding Dan tightly and drifted off to sleep.

Not again thinking about Dan in a sexual way that night. Nor even considering what we were doing could be considered more than friendly. After all, if he says anything about it I can simply just tell him that he started it because...honestly he did.

Dan's POV

I woke up, the feeling of warmth surrounding me. Arms wrapped around me. Soft snores close to my ear. I turned over carefully so I wouldn't wake Phil up.

I was now facing Phil, unlike most people who look weird or a bit unattractive when they are asleep, Phil looked beautiful. His lips in a straight line. Hair splayed over his face. He really did look beautiful.

Oh my god. I just called Phil beautiful...twice. I mean he is, but still.

Phil let out a groan and rolled a bit to where he was practically on top of me.

"Gah. Phil you big oaf. You're crushing me!" I said while giggling.

"Noimpfnotk." He said.

"Yes. You are!" I said while pushing at him. He groaned and rolled off of me propping himself up on his elbow.

He smiled down at me before his smile was quickly gone.

"Dan. Last night-" He started.

"Phil. No." I said sternly.

"Dan I can't stop thinking that in that dream. That nightmare, that I hurt you! That I did something wrong dammit!" Phil said his voice loud.

I shrunk away from him, pulling out of his grasp.

"Dan. I'm sorry. It's just. What happened in the dream? Please, so I can promise you that will never happen?" Phil plead.

I shook my head.

"Phil. Nothing that important happened okay? It was nothing really. I'm fine now. I'll be fine. We have to go to the shop today anyways Phil. Let's just forget it! Please!?" I said despertly.

I watched Phil swallow hard before closing his eyes, opening them back up and smiling at me.

"Let's go get some breakfast yeah?" He said warmly. I nodded sending him a small smile.


I feel like it happens in almost every Phan story I read. Where one has a bad dream and they end up sleeping in the same bed together. And it happened in this one as well so...haha. So original of me right? Jk.

Just checking in on you guys!

Love you :D

~Cat xx

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