Chapter 30

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Early the next morning, just as the sun began to show itself over the horizon, Natalie felt herself being gently shaken awake. "Hmm?" she blinked awake. Orecar stood over her, decked out in armor. He, as a centaur, was so enormous it was like looking up at a giant.

"It is time, my Lady," he told her. "King Edmund and Queen Lucy are preparing the troops."

Natalie nodded to him, but he didn't budge. "Um, I need to get dressed?"

"Do you need help getting your armor on?" " he asked, genuinely curious.

"Uh, no, thanks... " she blushed. Honestly, didn't this guy ever hear of privacy?

"Forgive me, my Lady, " Orecar bowed. "I did not mean to offend. The King ordered me to protect you, but I will let you prepare in peace if you wish," he told her, then bowed once more and left. Natalie sighed in relief and rolled her eyes. Great, she had to get an overprotective boyfriend, didn't she? Natalie didn't really mind, her brother had been overprotective and she always found that endearing, at least, she did when she was SEVEN. She shook her head and ignored the biting cold as she climbed out of bed and quickly gathered her gear.

It took shorter time than before to get her armor on this time, and soon she found herself armed, armored, and marching with the rest of the army toward the battlefield. Each step she took seemed harder than the next. Each step made it harder for her to breathe. The fear she felt was making her feel very ill, to the point where she felt like she had jagged stones in her belly, she needed to vomit, and the dizziness was making the world spin around her... but she would be dammed if she ran away now! Was this how everyone felt the first time they went off to war? Was this how Edmund and Lucy felt? How did they feel now?

"H-Hey, Orecar?" Natalie asked, looking up at her guardian.

"My Lady?" Orecar looked down, his brows furrowing in concern. He had smelled the scent of her fear, but had not made a comment because she was not the only one afraid. Besides, he didn't want to embarrass her in front of the men.

"Are you... afraid? Ever?" Natalie asked quietly.

Orecar thought about this for a moment. He was not ashamed to admit his feelings, did not care what the other soldiers thought. If they ever gave him grief, he would just run challenge them and be done with it. "Fear is a natural part of life," he told her. "Fear is what keeps the mind sharp and keeps us alive. Yes, I am afraid, often, it is how I have survived when others did not, it is how I keep my wits about me and keep me from doing foolish things," he admitted. He leaned in, so he gave her the illusion that he was whispering to her. "Do not worry, I will protect you," he smiled. He was sure none of the other soldiers would blame her for being afraid, to them she was braver than most. To them, she was a noble Lady joining a war... what noble woman did that?

Arriving at the battlefield, the troops could see their enemy just coming over the ridge, marching in a unified, organized form. Jadis could barely be seen off in the back of the army, dressed in a heavy white cloak, but a shiny glint from the sun was enough to let them know that she was also armored this time. A large arrangement of fierce mythical creatures made up most of her army, but it also included some humans she had obviously ensnared as well. The army marched in a militaristic manner. It was clear the White Witch would not make the same mistake of misjudging the Narnians again. This would be a very tough battle.

"Company halt!" Edmund ordered from the front of their army. His generals echoed his command and the soldiers all stopped.

Natalie felt her heart competing against her lungs. 'Okay, okay, calm down, don't hyperventilate!' She told herself, shutting her eyes and counting to calm herself.

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