Chapter Eight

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So I left you with a little...problem.


Chapter Eight

Olive's POV

I was drunk out of my own head.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to get my vision to focus, but it was no use. I immediately despised Zacky for making me into this. Zacky held me steady, though. He hadn't left my side since we had gotten taken to the police station in cop cars.

And the lights had been glaring above it.

"This is all your fault, Matt! You're the one who booked us at the bar and got us those crappy I.Ds in the first place!" Matt Wendt shouted. Shadows stayed silent.

"Keep it down, Matt. We're in a cell, not a room," Zacky shushed.

"Yeah, we're in a holding cell until they figure out if we're going to jail or not. oh yeah, everything's just so prefect!" Wendt shouted sarcastically.

"Guys, can you all just shut up?" I slurred. I didn't see anything fun in getting drunk. How these guys could do it was beyond me.

"Shut up, drunkie," Matt growled, pacing the ground.

"Excuse me? Did you just call my girlfriend a drunkie?" Zacky snarled, making sure I could lean against the wall before standing up and punching Matt Wendt square in the face.

"Don't do that here, cops are a couple feet away," Jimmy warned under his breath.

Matt stumbled a bit and clutched his nose, but he bounced back and dead legged Zacky, making him fall to the floor. He jumped up and kicked Matt in the groin, making him yell in pain, and getting the cops in this.

"Hey, both of you! Break it up, you're not apes!" the police officer yelled, pulling them apart. Zacky didn't look happy at all, and Matt looked pissed as usual.

"It's a good thing we've already decided your fate. We've decided that, since the girl is under 18, she gets to go home with a warning and a fine. But since all of you are 19, you are going to be arrested. Your bail is only 500 dollars though."

"Wait, so this means they're going to jail?" I asked, horrified.

"Until somebody can bust them out, yes," the police officer replied. "Now come on, I'll drive you home. Say your goodbyes."

He left the cell and I stared at them all. Some of the beer had digested and now I wasn't as drunk as I was before the news that my boyfriend and his two friends and one enemy were getting arrested. It didn't seem real.

I stood up and looked at Matt Shadows, trying my best to smile. "Hang in there, dude. I'm going to see what I can do about this." I pulled him into a hug, and he rubbed my back.

Next was Jimmy. He frowned at me, and I wrapped my arms around him with force. "I still can't imagine such a gentle and sweet guy is in prison," I laughed. He chuckled.

And, last but definitely not least was Zacky. I sighed and stared into his eyes. "I love you. I'm going to do my best to bust you and Jimmy and Matt out. The other Matt can stay."

"You're the best girlfriend ever, you know that?" he asked, pecking me on the lips and pulling me into a hug. I almost started crying, but I managed to hold it back long enough to leave.

The reality of the situation wiped the booze away.

I got in the officer's cop car in the back and leaned my head on the seat. How could I bust the three out? No way my new parenta would use 1500 dollars on people they don't even know. I made ten bucks an hour. It was take 150 hours to get them out.

And I wasn't about to keep them in there for long.

"Here's your house, kid." How had he known where my house was? But it didn't matter to me. All that mattered was that Jimmy, Matt, and Zacky were going to get out.

The police officer followed me out, and he rang the doorbell. My new mother showed up at the door and gasped. "Olive, what did you do?"

"She snuck into a bar with a fake ID. Her other friends are in jail at the moment, but since she's under 18 she gets a strict warning, and a fine of 100 dollars," the police officer explained.

"What's going on?" my dad asked as he walked into the doorway.

"Honey, get the check book. We have to pay this officer 100 dollars," she explained.

He looked distressed. "I don't even want to ask." He disappeared and returned ten seconds later with a check book and pen. My mom signed it and handed it to the officer.

 "Have a good night. Oh, and, uh, be careful, she's drunk." He left after that, and my parents just glared at me.

"I can't believe you did this, Olive."

"I have no idea what you did yet, but I know it wasn't good. Go to your room. You're grounded from going anywhere except school," my dad ordered.

I sighed and left without another word up to my room. I had figured out what I was going to do, and now all I had to do was do it.

When I was in my room, I sat on my bed and took in a deep breath. I pulled out my phone and dialed the number. After two rings, I heard, "Hello?"

"Mom, it's Olive. I need your help."


This is a one-pager, but oh well.

Next chapter will be Zacky and friends going to jail.


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