Don't Forget About Me (Zacky Vengeance)

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This will be my last fanfic.

I kinda want to get my stories even. 3 real ones, and 3 fanfics.

So, therefore, my last fanfic.

Please enjoy.

Olive -->


Chapter One

 I watched in silence as the ball rolled down the wooden lane. When it reached the pins, all of them were knocked down. I squealed in excitement and joined my friend, who was sitting by the keypad.

"You totally got lucky there," my best friend, Valerie, accused.

"That wasn't luck. That was skill," I laughed. She scowled and stepped up. When she grabbed her ball and stood her ground, I chuckled. She was trying to look proffesinal, even though she absolutely sucked at bowling today.

It went straight into the gutter.

I couldn't help myself. I doubled over laughing, still seated. I picked on her alot, but she knew very well that I loved her to death.

We loved to bowl. It was a good stress reliever. Usually Valerie was good, but today she had some gutters. I never got it in the gutter. I've been using bowling as a stress relief for tests since I was 12.

5 years.

The next throw I did, I slid and fell on my butt. This made Valerie  laugh way too much. But when I looked up, all the pins were down. I had gotten a strike.

I stood up and cleared my throat. "I meant to do that."

"I'm sure you did," she snorted. "Face it, Olive. You're clumsy. It's a good thing you're pretty."

I stuck my tongue out at her and sat down.

The game ended with my scores around 130 and hers around 90. We packed up our bowling balls and walked out to our car.

Yes, I said our car.

I lived with Val because my parents were jerkoffs who said that if I couldn't pay off whatever I did with my job at the bowling alley, I was kicked out.

I was so happy I did.

Val's parents and rich and nice, and her little brother Tyler is nice to me. I'm sensing a crush, though. I got a bedroom with Valerie, all the food I wanted, and everybody treated me like family. Like I belonged there.

I've been living there for four months now. I don't even miss my parents, since technically, they're not my parents anymore. They disowned me, and Valerie's parents adopted me on the day my former parents gave up on me.

When we got in the car, some 90's rap blasted in the speakers. We both gave each other looks before she changed it to punk rock and started driving away.

"So how's the relationship with Ian going?" I asked. Her and Ian had been going out for three years now, and even though he was mean to me, I accepted him.

 "It's going fine, I guess," she mumbled awkwardly.

"You sound uncertain. Is something wrong?" I asked. They'd been together forever. What was going wrong?

"It's just... he's getting a little cocky. You know? Like he's kind of the world with me around. And I don't like it. I want a humble guy," she explained, her eyes firmly on the road.

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