R12. Star Gazing

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Nagisa's POV

I stared at the flowers in front of me, their petals getting dull from the night sky, before staring at the sky before me.
Turning my head towards my girlfriend, her head resting against my shoulder.
Both our eyes staring at the glistening night sky.

We were both at the park, staring at the night sky.
Today was a very special day, it was our anniversary. Today was the day that Kazuko and I first dated.
It was a wonderful memory, seeing her blushing face, hiding behind the box over her head.
Her nervous body trembling in fear, fear from being rejected by her childhood friend.

It's been about 11 years that we've been together, it was a long long time.
We dated once we both reached high school, then it continued through collage and adulthood.
When remembering at the first time she confessed, which I accepted.

But just before we got together, our life's were, very....difficult.
People stayed away from us, because we were the cause of all the mutual killings in Towa City.
But, our entire group was able to go into the same schools.

"Nagisa.." Her voice spoke, lifting her head off my shoulder.

"What does the night sky look like?" She questioned, both our hands gripping each other's.

"Mhm, it's really beautiful indeed, the stars shine, and it shines bright." I tried to think of words for her to picture the scenery. The sky is a beauty. The bright and dark colored sky.

It reminds me of a painting. The base colors were a dark shade of blue, the stars being a pale bright yellow color.
The clouds covering some of the spots in the sky.

"The stars are streaking all over the sky, painting it in its glory...can you picture it?" My eyes facing her masked figure.
Her head nodding as I turned my head back at the sky.

"The moon is the brightest of them all," I continued on, "It's pale, very pale. A white skin color."

I planted a soft kiss on top of her 'forehead.'
Kazuko's low gasp came out of her mouth, a small bliss feeling formed in us both.

I lifted the box just above her nose, pressing our lips together.The same feeling erupted, wanting me to deepen it, Kazuko kissed back with some force.My hands pushed her down onto the blanket under us, being me the dominant one.

Soft giggles were heard under me.
My right leg was in between Kazuko's legs, arms caging her. Removing my lips from her's, she giggled more.
We both giggled at our positions.

"I love you, Nagisa.." I widened my eyes, maybe it was simple words, but coming out of Kazuko's lips made me crimson.
I returned the words back to her,

"I love you too, Kazuko.." Connecting our lips once again, only to slip my tongue inside.
The feeling of bliss hasn't gone away, but it grew larger.

Our tongue swirled against each other's mixing our salivas.
A blush is seen in both of our cheeks, streaking across our faces soon after the second kiss.

I looked towards the side, seeing a shooting star.
Looking back again at Kazuko, I asked her to make a wish,

"Look Kazuko, its a shooting star....well, what do you wish for?"
Her head turned to the side where the star was, a smile plastered on her face.

"Eh? I wish for Nagisa to be forever mine!~" She teased, but her wish wasn't a joke.

"I wish that you'll stay with me! Through the hard life and the light!" She continued,

"Mhm, sa, what if I granted your wish now? Making a promise not to leave you.." I said, her face looking at me in shock.
I took out a small velvet colored box from my pocket. Her eyes widening at the object in my hand.Both up us soon sat up.

"N-Na-Nagisa.." Kazuko shuttered, trying to process what's happening next.
Her wild head started to spurt out scenarios, making her confused, excited, and worried.
It just made me grin at her reaction, her reactions were something I'll treasure.

"Kazuko," I began, the tension growing, "We've been dating...for so long...."

"I hope you'll except this proposal......Will you marry me?"

From there, I opened the small box in front of her, revealing the shiny, silver ring.
It shined brightly, I heard some one crying, looking up to my girlfriend, seeing her tearing up.

"Nagisa......" My head started to panic, waiting anxiously if she'll accept.

"Yes! I want to marry you! I want to be with you forever!~ I love you! I love you! I love you!" She joyfully ended and chanted, my arms wrapping around her waist, her's wrapping around my neck, tears dripping on my shoulder.
Tears dripped down from my eyes as well, tears of joy.

In the background a small old couple clapped, smiles forming on their faces.
They were watching the whole scene of our proposal. It made Kazuko and I smile happily at each other.

Kazuko's wish came true. On a very special day, staying with her engaged husband.
She'll finally be with him, forever.......

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