Part 5: Halloween funtimes pt2

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Okay so to anyone crazy enough to be reading this, i really appreciate it, and hopefully it's good....I know I enjoy writing it! So if you have any feedback, please do not hesitate to give it to me!
It was two days until halloween, and Matthew still couldn't decide what to go as for his brothers party. He was walking through the Halloween section of party city with Matt to try and figure it out.
"Ooh, what about this one?" Matt ran over and grabbed a playboy bunny outfit from the rack.
"Matt, I am not wearing that! It's too revealing. And embarrassing!" Matt fake pouted.
"Will you at least try it on for me?"
"No." Puppy eyes
"I said no, Matt." Puppy eyes
"Pleeeeeaaaaaase????" Matthew sighed, he was never going to win this argument. He snatched the costume from Matt and started to the dressing rooms.
"Fine, I'll wear the damn costume. It comes with cuffs though, right?"
"It doesn't matter." Matthew cut him off. It wasn't like him to be behaving so strangely. Matt waited outside the dressing room for 20 minutes before finally calling for Mattie.
"Mattie? Are you still alive?" He heard a whimper.
"This is too embarrassing..."
"Aw,come on. You promised...." He heard a huff.
"Fine, but just....don't laugh." Matthew walked out of the dressing room in the tight spandex leotard, bunny ears, makeshift bowtie, and fishnets with high heels. Matt immediately turned bright red. He didn't know what he had expected....but it wasn't this. Mattie was hot. Like, really hot. Matthew stood there looking uncomfortable while Matt examined him up and down. Then one of Mattie's cuffs came off, and when he went to catch it, Matt saw something.
"Mattie....what's on your wrist?" He asked, slowly moving towards Matthew.
"'s nothing. It's none of your business!" He shouted, turning away.
"Mattie, do you love me?" Matthew looked confused.
"Wha- I mean....yes, I do."
"Then show me your wrist."
"Show it to me!" Matt yelled, growing scared and impatient by the minute. Matthew sighed, and tentatively held his wrist out for Matt to see. Matt gasped. There were scars all along his wrist, some new, some old. He ran his finger across them.
"How long have you been doing this?" Matt looked at Matthew worriedly.
"I stopped when you got here. I started when I was 10." Matt couldn't say anything. He was shocked.
"Have you ever tried to....."
"When?" Matthew's breath hitched.
"Last year. Of course no one except for my dad noticed. Not even Al..... I tried to hang myself. Francis walked in right before I....." Matthew started crying. Matt pulled him closer and held onto him tightly.
"I felt like....No one would notice. If I was....gone."
"I would never have met you. I would still be the selfish backyard I was if I hadn't. I probably would have never found love." Matt pulled away and looked Matthew dead in the eyes.
"Promise me you won't ever try to do that again."
"I promise." Matt smiled.
"Alright, well, you need to get out of this costume. I'll go get you policeman costume, so we can kind of coordinate. I'm going as a firefighter." Matthew laughed at his goofy grin, and went back in the changing room to change out the costume. When he came back out, Matt had already bought their costumes, and was ready to go. They walked out of the store hand in hand.....Matthew without his hoodie for the first time in a long time.

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