Part 2: Fateful Encounter

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Ok I'm sorry the title is cheesy just bear with me.
              Matthew was so adorable, how was that even possible? He's 6'1 and in high school. But he's just so....innocent. Before Matt could finish his thoughts he ran into someone and almost fell over.
           "Jesus, watch where you're going fucktard, or I'll have to bust a cap in..." The boy stopped when he recognized Matt."Matt! Hey, sorry bro, I didn't see you there, oh, and I see you've already found yourself a little boyfriend over there....hello!" He waved at Matthew,who was standing behind Matt. He blushed and looked away.
"Aw, he's blushing. But he's a little on the shy side, dontcha think? And those glasses.....and I suddenly see the appeal. Hi there cutie, you wanna ditch sunglasses here and come back to my place with me?" Matt pulled Allen away before he could say anything else.
            "He's not my boyfriend Allen, so just go the fuck away." Allen frowned.
          "Aw, but he's cute...."
          "Now." Allen all but put up a fit before walking away with his hands in the air.
          "Sheesh alright I get it. See ya at home loser." And he was gone. Matt sighed as he turned to face Matthew.
          "Hey, I'm sorry about him, he's.....Hey are you okay?" Matthew's entire face had turned a deep shade of crimson during the whole ordeal, and he was about to pass out just thinking about Matt being his boyfriend.
           "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just go to homeroom" he whispered, before taking off down the hall. Matt followed as quickly as he could. Damn, for a kid that quiet he sure was fast. As he entered the classroom, he noticed something. Not a single kid had played even the slightest attention to Matthew, they didn't even look his way. It was slightly unnerving. Did he even have any friends? Matt walked over to Matthew and sat down, putting his feet on the desk.
           " you have any friends here?" He tried to seem nonchalant, but he just ended up making it awkward. Matthew gulped in response, taking a few minutes to answer the question.
          "Um....does my brother count? Even though he ignores me mostly too..." Matthew whispered the last part so Matt could barely hear it, but he did. And he was furious. Matthew sounded so could someone even live like that?
             "E...excuse me?"
             "I said that's Bullshit! How could some 6 foot, adorable-ass motherfucker like you go unnoticed? It just doesn't make sense! I-" realizing what he had just said, Matt turned about the shade of, well, Matthew. No one had cared enough to notice that people ignore him, e and especially not enough to call him adorable.
             "Oh shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
             "'s okay. It just came out, that happens sometimes." They sat the rest of homeroom in silence until they had to head to their classes, which they had all together except for Social Studies. So they went on ahead to Math like nothing had happened. But something had. And they could both feel it.
  AN/ okay I know I'm mostly writing this for myself and I'm a shitty writer but still thank you to anyone reading.

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