Part 3: Confrontation

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All of their classes had gone by without any incidents, and neither of them mentioned what Matt had said earlier. It would be too awkward. So the day ended with them getting back on the bus and going home. They sat together again. In total silence. Again. When they got off, Matt turned to Matthew.
"Do you want to walk home with me?" Matthew blushed and nodded. They began walking the rather long path home in the crisp Autumn weather. Matt cleared his throat.
"So, about earlier...I never got to apologize about my brother hitting on you. But just to reassure you, I think he's found someone else to torment. It's this blonde kid, Ar...Al-"
"Oh, so you know this kid. Is he like your, I mean, are you two close or..." He didn't know how to ask without seeming weird. Matthew chuckled.
"God no, he's my twin. The one I said ignores me, before you...." He trailed off not wanting to bring it up.
"So...." Matt started, trying to change the subject,"I heard your brothers throwing a party this weekend. Are you going to that?" Matthew shook his head.
"I just usually sit in my room with headphones on, then put Al to bed because he's too wasted."
"Well I wasn't gonna go but.....if I had you to hang out with...." Matt smiled at Matthew, who blushed.
"I guess I could go, just this once." Matt was all too exited at first, but tried to play it off.
"Awesome! I mean, uh, I'll see you there." And they parted their separate ways.
~ awesome time skip to party time~
"Hey bro! Why are you even coming to my party this time? You usually just sit upstairs and sulk the whole time." Alfred yelled from the garage, returning with 5 six-packs of beer. Arthur and Francis had gone out for a week on business so it was the perfect time for this.
"I have my reasons....." Matthew mumbled walking up the stairs and shutting his door. *ding dong* he heard the front door open, and Alfred shout,
"Yeah! Party's on motherfuckers!" And the sound of a million footsteps and shouts from downstairs. Matthew groaned. Why had he agreed to this? When he finally mustered up the courage, about 2 hours later, he finally went downstairs. The party was in full swing, and everyone was drunk. Matthew stumbled through the crowd and arrived in the living room to find Matt, standing on the coffee table, shouting about something. Oh, and he was drunk off his ass. As soon as he saw Matthew, he jumped off the table and put an arm around his neck, pulling him up onto the coffee table with him again.
"Matt, I don't think this is safe, I-" Matthew was interrupted by Matt shouting.
"This is the cutie I was talking about guys! This adorable Canadian motherfucker! I'm gon fuck him hard tonight!" Cheers erupted from the crowd that had now surrounded them Matthew didn't think he had ever turned that red ever in his life.
"Matt, you're drunk, I don't think-"
"Aaaawwwww, Mattie, does this mean you don't want me to fuck you? Nice and slooooow, you'll be screaming my name so loud that you'll lose your voice!" Matthew, still bright red, ripped Matt's arm away from his waist and stormed upstairs.
"Mattie....look I'm sorry! Hey, Mattie wait-" he was cut off by the slamming of Matthews door. Why would he say that? In front of everyone? Like that. It was embarrassing. And innapropriate. Ugh, why was his life so hard!
Matt instantly regretted saying those things to Matthew. He was probably a virgin too. But he had to fix this. Despite his drunken state, he could sober up pretty quickly, so he got off the coffee table and walked over to Alfred.
"Hey dude! Just so we're clear, you screw my brother I screw yours, deal?" Matt just stared at him for a minute before replying.
"Wha-no, I mean, sure just do it somewhere I can't hear you. Anyways, I'm gonna stay after the party to talk to Matthew."
"Oh, talk, right. Just don't be too loud." He winked and walked away before Matt could oppose.
~after party time skip~
*knock knock*
"Matthew? Matthew, can we talk?" He heard Matt's voice from outside his bedroom door.
"No! Why are you still here anyway?" A pause
"I wanted to talk to you. Please, just let me in." Matthew sighed and got off his bed and unlocked the door. Matt walked in and Matthew retreated to his bed, hugging a pillow.
"Look, I'm not gonna rape you,"
"Seems like you were going to..." Matt sighed and sat down on the bed next to Matthew, Matthew moving slightly away as he did.
"Matthew, I really like you. You're cute. I meant what I said in homeroom the other day. About you being adorable. I'm just....not good with feelings. And what I said....I meant it, no doubt. But I shouldn't have said it. Especially not like that. In front of all those people. I'm sorry." They sat in silence before Matthew whispered something.
"I wouldn't mind...."
"What?"a pause.
" I said I wouldn't fucked me." Matt sat in shock.
"Am I hearing you properly, because I don't think-"
"Dammit Matt! You heard me! I said I want you to fuck me! How hard is that to understand!?" Matt stared at him in shock, before tackling him onto the bed with a deep kiss. They lay there like that for about 5 minutes, tugging at each other's hair, making out furiously, wanting to be as close as possible, before they heard faint chuckling from outside the door.
"Dude, you owe me 5 bucks."
"Ssshhh....they'll hear you."
"Dude, if they start going at it, you owe me 20" Matt, pulling away from Matthew, got up and opened the door to find Alfred and Allen crouched outside the door, almost falling over because they had their ears up against the door. Matt immediately pulled Allen up by his ear and into another room.
"You.Are.Dead. You were making bets on my love life!?" He took a swing at Allen, who ducked away just in time.
"I oughtta put bets on you and Alfred fucking" Allen just gave him a mischievous smile.
"Better put big money on that, cause it's happening, maybe even tonight." Matt groaned and went back to the bedroom and kissed Matthew quickly goodbye before walking out the door, dragging Allen out behind him.

A/N okay sorry this chapter was so long! I just couldn't stop writing! And the smut is soon to come! I had so much fun writing this chapter, I'm EXITED to continue!

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