Chapter 3

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The night dragged on quite a bit. Hazel couldn't sleep for hours upon hours. She was tossing and turning, trying to plan her entire birthday! Would they go to a planet with hills upon hills of rich golden sand, the sun rising over the distant horizon in the ash purple sky? Or perhaps a planet of quite a cold texture, with icy glaciers over-lapping each other, distancing out for miles?

She didn't exactly know, she just knew she was excited about it. Then, it struck her. She'd be eighteen, an adult. This was kids stuff! She couldn't do this! Could she?

She then thought of Clara and Ashildr, and what they had told her of their adventures. Ashildr had lived for thousands and thousands of years, Clara not so many. Although, Clara had travelled much much further than Ashildr. She had travelled with an wonderful man called the Doctor.

Clara had always told Hazel about the Doctor, about their adventures together, but she always struggled to answer what happened to the Doctor. She would just look into the distance for a few moments, before dramatically changing the subject. Hazel never knew why.

If Clara and Ashildr could travel in time and space through their adulthood, so could Hazel. She grinned, starting to imagine more glorious adventures they could have on just this one day!

Time and space in the palm of her hand, ready to explore. They could go anywhere, absolutely anywhere. Hazel couldn't wait one more second. The anticipation thrived through her blood, making her heart race and her palms sweat.

She thought of all the wonderful species that they might meet. Her favourite species were the Zylatons. These were almost like mini elephants! They each came to about Hazel's knee. They were so adorable. They looked just like elephants too! Only thing is, they didn't sound like elephants.

They had their own language - Zylaton. They came from the planet Zylacrome, which was a beautiful snowy planet. There were mountains upon mountains of thick, pure white snow. There were frozen over lakes everywhere, making it even more appealing to the eye. It was the most beautiful thing Hazel had ever seen!

Another planet she had visited was Liak, home to the Urbatons. Urbatons were quite the opposite to Zylatons. They were giants! Each of them about seven feet tall. Their skin was scaley and pure purple. They were quite friendly, though.

Their planet was layers and layers of soft, orange grass. There were forests and forests of orange and red. The sky was a baby yellow, stretching on for miles and miles over the horizon. Every morning, their burning sun would rise and send out golden rays across the land, giving them warmth through every winter.

Hazel couldn't believe that there was so much to see beyond the Earth, but she loved it. She loved discovering new things, the thrill of the adventure, meeting new species. She even enjoyed it when they had to run from not so friendly species, such as the Weeping Angels. That wasn't such a fun trip.

She kept thinking of all of the wonders out there, ready for her tomorrow. Right out those front doors was a world of wonder and mystery, just waiting for her to wake up to. The only problem was, she couldn't decide what she would do first!

You're Not A Time Traveller, Hazel (Harry Potter/Doctor Who Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now