Chapter 1

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Hazel was thrown out of bed and onto the floor with a thud. Great.

She stood up, dusting herself off. The TARDIS had taken a sharp turn, sending everybody inside flying.

Hazel glanced over to her calender, which was swinging from the disturbance in flight.

The day was May 30th. Tomorrow was Hazel's eighteenth birthday! She couldn't wait! She would finally be free from time travel to spend her life as a normal human!

As she was a time traveller, it was quite tricky to keep up to date with what day it actually was for her, so she had a calender to help. All she actually knew was that Clara and Ashildr had adopted her when she was only five months old! October 31st 1981.

She still couldn't believe that it was almost eighteen years ago. She couldn't remember very much about her parents' death, rather than what she herself had been told.

"Your parents died in a house fire. It was quite unfortunate, actually. We found you." They had told her at the age of five. When she was seven, they even told her how the fire was caused.

"Your mother had been cooking some Halloween cookies. She forgot to check the oven..." After that, Clara had always just stared into space, as if something was misting her mind, haunting her. She had always looked so sorrowful.

That had always confused Hazel. How could something so simple bring so much fear to someone. She strained to think about it.

Hazel trotted out of her bedroom door and along the narrow corridor of the TARDIS. She scratched her head, still trying to wake up properly.

She trudged down the stairs, into the console room, and out into the diner. She sat at the bar, next to Ashildr.

Clara was behind the counter, pouring herself some coffee. She looked up at Hazel, giving her a little smile. "Morning."

Hazel gave a faint smile back, but in more of a sarcastic way. Clara stopped pouring the coffee and frowned. "What's wrong with you?" She asked, looking puzzled.

Hazel rolled her eyes. "Just a bit of a bumpy morning."

"Ah, yes. Sorry about that. We kind of... Hit a planet." Clara told her. Ashildr rolled her eyes.

"How'd you manage that?" Hazel questioned them. Clara thought for a second and then shook the thought off. "Oi, you. We open in an hour. Go get ready!"

Hazel heaved a great sigh and stood up, wandering back to the TARDIS and to her room to get ready.

You're Not A Time Traveller, Hazel (Harry Potter/Doctor Who Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now