Chapter 2

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Life wasn't like what it used to be. Every day, Hazel used to get up, get ready and go to school. Then she would just walk straight back to the diner, into the TARDIS and to her room, whilst Clara and Ashildr worked until they closed.

Quite often, either just before they were to go to bed or just when they had woken up, Clara and Ashildr would take Hazel to see places in the universe, places that can never be seen by anyone else. Then they'd just park the TARDIS back where it was at the exact same time, like nothing ever happened.

They'd travel to other worlds, other galaxies. They'd see stars, constellations. They'd see whole other species, greeting them in peculiar ways.

Once you travel every night of your life, though, you start to run out of the exciting places. Also, you grow up.

Hazel had grown up. Recently, she hadn't even been letting herself go on these trips. She'd just hide away in her room all day. Perhaps reading, perhaps drawing.

Today, however, today she was going to finally help out at the diner. Hazel wasn't officially going to start until she was eighteen, but Clara and Ashildr had started to grow worried about her and let her help out a little.

Hazel trudged into the Diner, wearing a blue waitress dress, much like Clara always wore. She also had a white apron tied around her waist, and her hair was brought back into a neat ponytail.

Clara and Ashildr grinned at her. They finally knew what it felt like to see their little girl grow up. A tear rolled down Ashildr's cheek as she remembered Hazel as a little baby girl.

Hazel immediately got to work. She started to place out all of the napkin holders, ketchup, mustard and menus.

She darted from table to table, attempting to get it perfect and precise. She didn't want to disappoint Clara and Ashildr, not on her first day.

The clock chimed, signalling that it was time to open. Ashildr looked over at Hazel, her eyes asking if she was ready. She was. Hazel nodded back, grinning. Clara flipped the closed sign so that it said open. Hazel's face lit up like a light bulb.

Over the next few hours, Hazel was darting from customer to customer, asking what they wanted and returning with their drinks and meals.

Ashildr was in and out of the kitchen, trying to help the little chefs that they had. They literally had three chefs, but they were all ambitious enough to cope will all of the orders.

Clara was behind the counter, serving all of the drinks that people wanted from the bar.

After hours of working, the last customer finally left, then the three chefs. Clara sat down on a chair opposite Hazel.

"Like your first day?" Ashildr asked Hazel, grinning but overwhelmed by all of the pressure.

Hazel nodded rapidly. Clara chuckled. "Since it's your birthday tomorrow, we've decided we'll close for the day. Do what you want." Clara told Hazel, smiling, waiting for a reaction.

Hazel grinned so madly, she was surprised her face didn't fall off. "Really?" Clara and Ashildr nodded. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Hazel screeched, wrapping her arms around their necks. Tomorrow was going to be how it used to be! The good old times! She couldn't wait.

You're Not A Time Traveller, Hazel (Harry Potter/Doctor Who Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now