Part 1: The Introduction

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Just FWI the story is going to be entirely from 3rd person POV
Matthew gathered up his backpack and schoolwork and headed out the door to meet the bus. Another day of school, another day of being ignored. He sighed to himself as he walked towards his bus stop, where Al, his brother, was already waiting with his friends. None of them noticed him as he stood quietly next to them, they never did. Suddenly, all of their chatter fell silent, and Matthew looked up, wondering what the cause of the sudden hush was. A tall, masculine boy about 2 or 3 inches taller than him, and that's saying something because Mattie's, like, 6'1, was walking towards them. He was wearing a red flannel shirt and had on sunglasses, despite the fact that it was October. As he walked toward them, Alfred walked over to him and stuck out his hand.
"Hey, I'm Al! Nice to meet you! Are you new? Of course you're new, that was a stupid question, anyways, these are my friends Yao and Ivan, oh! And my brother Mattie, sorry, I didn't see you there before!" Alfred had quite a mouth about him, and never hesitated to speak his mind, which sometimes ended up getting him in trouble.
"I'm Matt, nice to meet you." He grumbled, before taking off his sunglasses and giving Matthew a once over. Matthew blushed and looked away. No one ever noticed him! Why did this guy? When he finally got himself together, he turned to face forward again and saw Matt standing right next to him, studying him intently. When he noticed that Matthew had turned around, his face turned a bright shade of pink as he straightened himself up.
" like Canada?" Stupidquestionstupidquestio
" you?"
"Yeah." Well that conversation ended quickly. But Matthew still found it adorable the way that Matt had turned pink. Wait, did he just think that? His train of thought was cut off by the screeching of bus wheels in front of him as the bus came to a halt. The doors opened, and Matthew rushed on board, taking his usual seat in the front. Nobody wanted to socialize with him anyway, so he never sat with everybody else. Be felt the seat beside him move and he turned around to see what caused it. Matt had sat next to him! This day just kept getting weirder and weirder. They sat in silence until the bus arrived at the school, they had to wait a bit though, the doors hadn't opened for the day yet. So Mattie just sat there looking out the window as Matt studied him intently. Why was this kid so adorable? Was it his round glasses, or his oversized canada sweatshirt? He looked so fragile that he might break if Matt tried to touch him. Would he try to touch him? He wouldn't. Matt cleared his throat so Matthew would turn around. He did, and Matt suddenly regretted getting him to. His huge innocent purple eyes gleaned up at him questioningly, and his lips looked so soft, he wanted to kiss him right then and there....
"Matt? Are you alright?"Matthew was blushing as he asked this, and Matt felt the heat rise to his own cheeks
"Um.....who do you have homeroom with?"
"Mr.Gilbert, why?"
"Oh, so I have homeroom with you. Cool" he didn't say anything after that. They got off the bus and headed for homeroom together, Matthew leading the way.

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