Chapter 8

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She weaved through tress once again, as far away from Stiles as possible, she didn't know what she'd just done, but she needed to get away. She Stopped when the scent got weaker and she was sure she wouldn't go back. She soon got another smell though, Derek, he came face to faced with her, sounding slightly nervous. "Hey!" He spoke softly accompanied with a smile, "How are you feeling?". "Weird! Something really strange just happened..." She told Derek, hoping he could help her figure it out. "What? Tell me!" He spoke urgently, "I just, I just kissed Stiles, and I don't know why, and I'm so sorry! What's wrong with me!" Clara began to get hysterical, she pushed her head into Derek's chest and cried. "Just as I feared, you've imprinted on him" Derek spoke with upset confusion, Clara got confused at that statement: "What's that?" she asked. "You've made your mark on him, you've fallen for him and it's unbreakable!" Derek explained, progressively getting angry. He was now shouting: "Him! Of all people!" he took off and Clara followed him to be safe, she had a bad feeling about where he was going.

She was just as fast as Derek was and arrived just as he had Stiles pinned up against a tree. "No!" she shouted, fear and anger in her voice, Stiles eyes were wide with fear and she could hear his heart beating unnaturally fast. "Derek! Just stop!" Clara shouted again, trying not to use violence, but Derek didn't listen. He leaned in to bite Stiles and that was when Clara, barely thinking, pulled Derek off him and tackled him to the ground. She looked down at Derek, she glared at him, full of anger, but her face softened when her eyes met his. He didn't look angry, he looked hurt, he looked broken, she could see sadness and defeat in his eyes, he then spoke: "You shouldn't have come here." as if he blamed himself. Suddenly it hit Clara, all the things that happened er in the past four days, she hadn't even been here a week and so much had happened. She didn't know how to feel suddenly, fear had slapped her square in the face and all she could do was run.

She ran as fast and far as she could, she ran back to her bed, she got under the covers, blocking the world out. Clara was aware of how crazy she was being, but at that moment, she didn't care,she was confused as to how her feelings for Derek could just disappear and how she could suddenly love Stiles so much it hurt, she didn't even believe in love.

She just lay there, staring at her ceiling for hours, till she heard a knock at the door, it was Stiles, she didn't want to answer, she wasn't ready to let the world back in. He was incessant though, she let out a sigh and went to open the door for him. He stood there being awkwardly cute and let out a: "Hey!", Clara involuntarily smiled, "Come in you fool!" She spoke, standing aside. "Are you mad at me?" Stiles said nervously, "No!" Clara made clear: "The complete opposite!". Stiles began speaking nervously now: "Derek spoke to me when you left, he said you imprinted on me..." he trailed off slightly. "Apparently so!" Clara confirmed, happily and annoyed, she was unsure how that was possible, but it was. "If you want to talk, I'm here!" Stiles let Clara know, "I just want cuddles." Clara said in fatigue. She held Stiles waist, not knowing how she was so comfortable, but not questioning it either. She buried her head in his chest and groaned, then looked up at him, he was so cute that she couldn't deal with it. "You look tired." he spoke down to her with a smile, before throwing her over his shoulders and bringing her upstairs. He threw her on the bed and fell down next to her. He held her and said: "Now go to sleep, darling.".She didn't realize how tired she was till she closed her eyes, she fell asleep almost instantly.

She woke up in the same position, she turned around to look at her clock, six in the morning, suddenly, she was wide awake though. she'd gotten another scent that wasn't stiles and had to check, just in case. She followed the scent, out her window and not too far, hidden in the tress, she found the person the scent belonged to, well the werewolf. "Who are you? And why are you here? She asked trying to be patient, the werewolf tried to run and Clara caught up to her surprisingly fast. She had long black hair and grey eyes and she had to be in her thirties, Clara got suspicious and wanted to know more, she pinned the woman against the nearest tree. "What do you want?!" She growled, the woman didn't take long to break: "It's about your mother and-" Clara cut her off, she realized quietly that she hadn't thought of her mother in the past day, she felt a wave of guilt wash over her, but was now intent to find out more. "Take me to her!" she ordered the woman, who was obviously scared, The woman immediately took the orders and lead Clara to her mother. Clara felt bad about being so controlling, but had to find her mother, she was lead through trees and then on to the main road and they soon came across a lane, it lead up to a huge house, a mansion to be exact; it seemed to have been abandoned years ago.

Clara was lead inside, it was dark and the sun had yet to properly rise, she saw a male silhouette at the top of the stairs that was right in front of her as soon as she entered. She thanked the woman and apologized for using such force. As the woman left, the voice spoke, he had a clear, crisp voice: "Clara Cummins. What a surprise.". He continued down the steps and when he got into light, she saw that half his face was burnt, the right side of his face to be exact. "Come to "save" your mother?" He spoke maliciously, laughing as if he'd made a joke when he finished speaking. "Let her go!" Clara growled at him, "Aw you're so cute, like a puppy." he spat the words at her. "I'm Peter Hale, thank you for asking!" He began to tease. Clara felt her blood boil, she was about to get really mad when she heard him shout: "Bring her in!". Her mother was escorted roughly in by two strong looking werewolves, "Clara!" she screamed with concern: "You shouldn't have come here!". "Let her go!" Clara directed her scream at Peter, "Fine!" he replied almost too carelessly. The two big men let her mother go, Clara moved forward to hug her mother, until she saw that her mother linked arms with Peter. "What's going on?!" Clara asked, confused and disgusted, her mother had a smirk on her face. Clara couldn't stay there any longer, she ran as fast as she could.

She got out to the main road and began running to nowhere behind the trees lining the road. She began to walk after getting a certain distance away, she saw Stiles in his jeep driving, his face lighting up in relief on seeing her; he pulled up at the side of the road and got out quickly. "Where did you go?!" he asked with worry, as he put his arms around her, Clara could barely talk after what she saw. "My mother, she's so, I don't know what just happened." she tried to explain what had happened, but couldn't. They both leaned up against the jeep, "Breath Clara!" he ordered nicely, "Now what happened?" he asked her when he saw she'd calmed down. "When I woke up this morning, there was a woman spying on us, I made her take me to whoever was forcing her to do this. She did, and he lead me to believe that he'd taken my mother hostage, but he hadn't. My mother is like, in an alliance with him, I don't know what it is!" she explained as well as she could. "Did you get his name?" Stiles asked, "Peter Hale, is he, related to Derek?" she asked in return, "Yeah but, well we're gonna need to talk to Derek!" he then said. He got in to the jeep, Clara following, "Where are we going?" She asked, "to see Derek! He may not be on the best terms with either of us, but this is important!". Clara just wanted to know what her mother was doing with Peter Hale.

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