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Clara stepped foot into her new home, she loved it. This house was huge, it looked so new, Clara wondered how it was so cheap. "There was a fire here 7 years ago, a family died in it" she overheard the real estate agent say. That answered her question, unlike most, it didn't phase her love for the house.

Clara had brown hair and brown eyes, she had a thin figure. She was a shy but curious girl of 17. She walked up the stairs, spotting the bathroom, she wanted the room closest to the bathroom. She went into that room to see what her new room would be like. She was however, greeted by a tall well built man, he was perfect.

She couldn't look away, his eyes were bright green and he had a five o'clock shadow on his face, topped off with an amazing jawline. He held her gaze for about a minute, Clara's breath was taken away, she didn't know what to do. She somehow managed to to break his gaze, " Who are you and what are you doing in my house?!" She said sternly. The man looked scared and confused, "This is- well was, my house" he explained, "Well it's not anymore!" Clara shouted. She saw the fear in his eyes, she softened her voice and said "Im sorry, but my family just bought it."

All was silent,"Are you okay?" She asked with concern, she closed the door and approached the mysterious man. He moved abnormally fast and shouted "NO!" In Clara's face. Clara jumped, an immediate look of guilt was on the mans face. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" He apologised frantically. All Clara could do was laugh at this situation, " It's all right!" She said to him. He laughed back with ease, " I'm Derek Hale" he introduced himself, "Im Clara Cummins" Clara responded with a smile. "Now, do you want to explain to me what's going on?" She said with no hesitation, "It's a long story!" Derek replied. "I have time." Clara tried to be seductive in saying, but failed miserably.

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