Chapter 12

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Stiles pulled up at Scott's driveway and headed straight in the door, slightly shocking Clara but she simply shrugged it off. She followed Stiles up the stairs and to the mess that was Scott's room. There they saw Scott laying down on the bed with his head in a pillow.
Clare sat down beside him and placed a hand on his back, "You alive man?" She asked. He simply grunted in response. "So wanna talk about it?..." Clara trailed off, realising she didn't get much chance to talk about normal teenage things as the chaos began. "I hate girls" he said moodily as he rolled over to stare at the ceiling.  "Well I'm insulted!" Clara exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood.  She lay down beside him and stared the roof with him, "So wanna talk about it before I beat it out of you?" She asked calmly. "Allison is pissed of with me, I just can't tell her about this, it will only hurt her!" Scott blurted out. Clara stayed quiet for a while, unsure of what to say "And you've explained this to her?" She asked simply. Scott simply nodded and the silence returned. "Well I guess we have to tell her the truth then?" Clara suggested. Stiles loudly disagreed "What?! Her parents are hunters Clara!". Clara sat up and walked over to sit down bedside stiles on the bed, "Sometimes the answer is simple stiles, it's not gonna be easy but if Scott truly likes her; it is the only thing he can do". Stiles looked at her, his expression softening "Why are you always right?" He asked with a smile. Clara simply kissed him on the cheek and took his hand in hers, dragging him up from the bed. "Scotty boy! We will help you as much as possible, so get up and let's sort out what you will say!" Clara ordered. Scott slowly dragged himself up and the trio started discussing how they were gonna spill the truth to Allison.
Next day
Clara woke up on the floor, with just a pillow for support, stiles to her left. His mouth was half opened and he was drooling and snoring, yeah he was definitely her mate. She poked his skinny tummy and he jerked awake "Morning sleeping beauty! Time for school!" She spoke enthusiastically whilst hopping up on her feet. After waking Scott up and grabbing toast as they were already late, they headed for school. "So you ask her if she wants to hang out after school, me and Stiles will be around the corner if needed" Clara exclaimed on the drive to school, she could hear how nervous he was on the topic. "You'll be fine man!" She encouraged him as much as possible. The rest of the car journey was quiet and Scott darted out of the jeep as soon as it was parked up. Stiles and Clara simply exchanged looks before hopping out of the jeep, connecting hands and walking towards the school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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