Chapter 6

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When Clara woke up, she was still in the shop, she had a pillow under her head. Her vision got clearer and she saw Derek, "What happened?" She asked, still feeling dizzy, she tried to get up, but Derek told her to stay down. "The rest are downstairs, they're interrogating the witch...and your mother." He informed her. "What? mother?" Clara exclaimed, still quite weak. "Just stay up here, I know it's hard for you." Derek tried to persuade her. He lay down beside her and spoke again "I have a theory." "Go on." Clara urged gently, he hesitated but eventually said "Turning you". Clara's face went white, she had no idea how to respond, they just looked at each other for what seemed like forever. That was until they heard Scott shout for Derek from downstairs,"I want come!' Clara said as she followed Derek in getting up. "Are you sure?" He asked, as if he wanted her to change her mind, Clara closed her eyes and let out a breath. She smiled and said "Yes." As if she was trying to persuade herself. She took Derek's hand before he could change her mind. She let go of his hand as they got in sight of her mother, she wasn't sure why, but that wasn't important at that moment.

"We've possibly found a cure" Scott said when they got down the stairs. The table that originally had potions now had old books open, there was a huge pile of books in one corner of the table. Scott picked up one of the dusty antique books and continued, "According to this book, a bite may cure it, but it could also kill her.". Everyone turned to Clara, like they were expecting her to decide on the spot. She ran, she didn't know where she was gonna go, but wanted to anywhere but there. Isaac followed, Clara had forgotten the speed werewolves travelled at. "Go away, or I'll use my...power thing on you!" She said in frustration. He didn't leave though, "I was turned by will, there's some bad points, but it's mostly good!" He tried to assure her. She knew she couldn't run, she sighed in defeat and turned around. She went back down to the basement, and said to none of them in particular, "Can I have some time to think about this?". "Of course!" Said Derek, "But someone has to make sure you don't run off! I'll stay with you tonight.". "Fine!" Clara moaned, but secretly didn't mind. "Isaac! Scott! Watch these two." Derek ordered, he walked up the stairs and Clara followed. They left the shop, and Derek held Clara close, she was quickly back at her house.

"If this was your house, where do you live now?" Clara wondered aloud. "The woods, friends, sweet talking women." He replied with a cheeky grin. Clara couldn't help but laugh, she checked the time, twelve o'clock, she was wide awake now though. "Movie?" She asked Derek, "which one?" He asked in response. "Ummm, Batman trilogy?" She decided, "Yes!" Derek said with excitement, picking her up and kissing her. As they sat on the couch, after putting on the movie, Clara felt Derek slide his arm around her, she responded by moving closer. Clara fell asleep soon after the first movie began.

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