Ghoul!Luffy x reader x Ghoul!Sanji - Take

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Request (except for the ghoul thing)
This is a crossover with Tokyo Ghoul/AU

"Hmm..." (Name) flicked a page in her book, her eyes scanning down the words quickly.

"Mind if I take this seat?" A deep voice asked. (Name) nodded, not looking up.

There was a silence for a few minutes before the young man spoke up again.
"What are you reading?"

"Sen Takastuki. Egg of the Black Goat." (Name) replied, closing her book and smiling.

"So you like thrillers?" The young blonde man asked.

"Yeah. I love Sen Takastuki." (Name) sipped her coffee.

"I-I just realised I haven't introduced myself. I'm Sanji." The flustered man said, laughing nervously.

"(Name)." The (H/C) haired girl introduced herself.

"You know (Name), there's a book signing for Sen Takastuki tomorrow. Would you like to come?" Sanji asked, smiling and blushing slightly.

"Sure." She stood up. "I'll meet you here? Tomorrow, 12 o'clock?"

"It's a date." Sanji said softly to himself as he watched her leave.


"That's her." Zoro said, pointing at (Name). "Black Leg was talking to her."

"Wow." Luffy was caught off guard by her beauty.

"We could sabotage. Get to her first." Zoro suggested. "She looks delicious."

"We won't eat her." Luffy said firmly.

Zoro frowned and knocked on Luffy's head. "Are you out of your mind?"

"I think...she's really pretty. We can keep her for a bit." Luffy said softly.

"If you say so." Zoro sighed.

"Tomorrow. We'll find her then." Luffy's voice was firm, determined.


"It's really cold, isn't it?" (Name) sighed as she walked home with Sanji.

"Do you want my jacket?" He offered, shrugging it off.

"No, no, it's fine, really!" She exclaimed, blushing.

"I don't want you to suffer." He protested, blushing slightly.

'Why do I feel this way? Why..." Sanji frowned to himself.


"There." Luffy growled slightly, seeing (Name) walking alongside Sanji.

"We'll kill him." He muttered. "He can't hurt (Name)."

"We don't want any unnecessary confrontation with him. We'll grab the girl and run, got it? If the idiot guy puts up a fight, I'll take him on and you take her." Zoro commanded, as they got closer to the couple.

"Sanji, thank you so much for walking me home. I'm so scared, of all the ghouls around." Luffy overheard (Name) say.

"I'll protect you from any ghouls, my sweet (Name)." Sanji declared.


"That was easy." (Name) woke up to the sound of two men talking.

'What the hell happened?' She thought back to the events, and remembered. 'It was ghouls. And Sanji was one.'

"She's awake now." The other man, with black hair, leant down to her level. It was only then that she realised she was on a bed.

"Are you okay, Miss (Name)?" He asked.

"What the hell are you?!" (Name) yelled, shrinking away from him. She immediately regretted her choice.

"We're ghouls Miss (Name). But we won't hurt you." The man said, standing up.

"For now, anyway." The other man, with green hair, commented.

"What do you want with me?" (Name) asked, her eyes wide with fear.

"You were with that idiot blonde. He's the leader of a rival gang here on 21st ward. By kidnapping you we've sabotaged him." The man with green hair explained. "I wanted to eat you, but Luffy wants to keep you."

"S-Sanji's P-plans?!" (Name) whispered hoarsely.

"He probably wanted to eat you." The black haired man answered.

"But he was so nice...He was so kind to me...I thought...he liked me..." (Name) teared up.

"Most Ghouls are like that. Deceiving. At least we don't pretend to be something we're not." The other man sighed.

"(Name). You'll stay here for a bit, right?" The young male smiled.

"Ummm..." (Name) blushed at his adorable facial expression.


"She was taken. Right under my nose too." Sanji growled, the plaster on the wall splintering around the impact of his fist. "We need her back."

"Sir, why should we-"

"Because I say so!" Sanji yelled, cutting of his underling. "Bring her back. And don't hurt her."

"Yes sir." The man saluted, running off.

'(Name), why are you making me feel this way?' He thought, sighing.

Ghouls and humans were like oil and water.

They couldn't mix.

I'll make a part 2 :)
I am currently obsessed with Until Dawn. Is it just me?

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