Luffy x Pregnant!reader - Just like him

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Request :3

"Huh?" Luffy stared at the beaming (Name) in complete and utter confusion.

"Isn't it great Luffy? You're going to be a dad!" (Name) said.

"How is it going to fit inside of you? All the babies I've seen are bigger than what you could fit inside you!" Luffy asked.

"Don't worry." (Name) giggled. "I'm going to grow too."


"Just a little more!" Chopper encouraged (Name), who was panting from the effort.

She wailed in pain, clutching at the bedsheets as she gave one final push.

A wailing was heard, as Chopper cut the umbilical chord and wrapped up the child in a blanket.

"It's a girl." He said softly, handing (Name) the bundle of joy. She instantly softened seeing her child's tiny face, and teared up slightly.

"Do you want the crew to see her, or would you prefer for it to be just Luffy?" Chopper asked, removing the clothes he'd used for the delivery.

"I don't mind the crew coming in as long as they're quiet." (Name) smiled as Chopper tiptoed out of the room to tell everyone about the successful delivery.

(Name) looked at her daughter. She'd inherited (Name)'s (H/C) hair and
(S/C) skin, but she had Luffy's brown eyes and smile.

"Remember, be very quiet." Chopper warned the crew as they walked in softly, led by Luffy.

"She's-" Everyone's breath was taken away by the tiny child in (Name)'s arms .

"What should we call her, Luffy?" (Name) asked, smiling a dazzling smile at the love of her life. Despite her rumpled appearance, despite the sweat rolling down her head, he was still madly in love with her.

"Hmm. I think..."


"Daddy!" Makino giggled, trailing after Luffy.

"What is it, Makino?" Luffy leant down to her level.

"I want to look at uncle Franky's cool gadgets, but I'm scared that he'll say no. Can you ask him?" She whispered, looking at him with her big round
brown eyes.

"Sure!" Luffy took her hand and led her to Franky's workshop.


"Sure." Franky grinned, putting down his screwdriver.

He showed Makino every quirk, every feature of his robotic body, and her eyes sparkled in excitement.

Just like Luffy would.


"Makino! You aren't supposed to eat the mix!" Sanji scolded the (H/C) haired girl, but it was light, and he couldn't help but smile when seeing her adorable face.

"Sorry, Uncle Sanji. It's just really tasty." She apologised, looking down in shame.

"It's dangerous. You could get Salmonella poisoning." Sanji warned her.

He didn't mind, it was just he was just "Concerned for his precious (Name)-chwan's daughter."

'She does take after Luffy a lot.' Sanji thought as he watched Makino struggling to stir the mixture.


"Goodnight sweetheart." (Name) said softly, tucking her daughter in.

"Mummy?" Makino piped up.

"Yes sweetie?" (Name) replied.

"Can I explore the island tomorrow with Daddy?" Her eyes shone with excitement, just as his would.

"Sure. Night." (Name) put out the light and walked out of the room.

She walked onto the deck, where Luffy was seated atop the lion's head as per usual.

"She's just like you, you know?" She called out. Luffy turned around, grinned, and beckoned for her to come and sit by him.

When she was there, he wrapped an arm around her waist, and she instinctively rested her head on his shoulder.

"She looks like you though." Luffy commented.

"Mmm. I think she's more like her daddy though~" (Name) smiled up at him. "She's got your personality, your quirks."

"Yeah." Luffy smiled, looking at the waves lapping against the ship, rocking his daughter to sleep.

This is so bad tbh Luffy's so OOC  ;-;

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