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1 year later

I close my eyes...

Who would have thought a dream that was thought an imposibility would end in reality...

My heart stuttered in glee...

The image in front of the full wodden edged mahogany mirror reflected a beautiful woman dresses in full white, rosy cheeks in bloom, make up simple yet elegant and a small one sided crown of diamonds and flowers adorn her brunnette hair, lips colored in a touch of peach.

I open my eyes yet again, marvelling my mother's and Celine's beautiful job, I smile gently a warmth embracing my insides as I hear the click of the made shift room's door, I breath to call my rising nerves, chanting the small list of objects prone and important for this marvelous moment.

How, was it? Something old, something new, something borrowed and....

"Something blue? Where is that necklace....?"

Mumbling the last words and looking around I couldn't quite place where mom left grandma's old blue borrowed necklace...

Until I saw Mitchell, smiling wickedly at me. I blush brightly and look away shyly, the last person I thought would come over.

My heart clenched and quickened as he steps behind me and very gently takes out the necklace, setting the golden chain with a small stutted cerulean blue diamond charm that contrasts against my skin in it's place on my neck.

His hands swiftly grab my shoulders and squeezes them lightly, I look up at the mirror at Mitchell, the image somewhat blurry as my eyes water with an emotion I couldn't contain.

He grins, pride in his eyes and no trace of guilty, remorse and dissapointment.

"I'm so proud of you, specially of what have you grown to be...., you're my beautiful daughter and seeing how much you've influenced my son..., I'd never believe this day would arrive..., this is my mother's piece of jewerly, something borrowed, old and blue..."

With matching wealing of tears of emotion, Mitchell kisses the top of my head lovingly, After all, I considered him my beloved father and partner in crime.

But why those ugly feelings you ask?

Why not instead of telling, let's back track a few months before today... shall we?

6 months ago...

I sigh gently, loving the fact that today was the end of an strenous semester and the begining of my hard earned vacations.

Rolling my shoulders to untense them and lolling my head to the side, another sigh escapes my lips as I stretch my arms upward a bone or two cracking in place in the process, as I lower my arms besides me for support as I gently began to splash water with my feet on the family pool.

"Perfect view, love..." William's voice drift in my left ear in a sweet caress but instead of reacting like a normal person would, I jump in surprise feeling the echo of his chin connect with my shoulder.

"Ouch" we whimper simultanously, gaining a small space from between us as he caress his chin to lessen the pain and I try to inspect my shoulder for any damage, we both look up as our eyes connect, not so much later we begin to laugh loud at our antiques.

"Your shoulder is made of steel, munchkin!"

I reach for water in my hand and send it his way, the water gracefully falling at his face and some of his chest. I snorts and double up in laughter.

"You jerk! man that chin is solid!"

A long step forward and a cheeky grin in place, he lowers himself down and sits besides me, leaning oh so close and whispers.

My Brother's Lips(18+) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now